DayFR Euro

Champdeniers-Saint-Denis. A time for discussion between mayors and firefighters

For the first time, the mayors of the sector were invited by the head of the fire and rescue center. A rich time of exchanges during which the recruitment difficulties were notably mentioned.

As part of good relations with local elected officials, Lieutenant Damien Bluteau, head of the fire and rescue center, invited the mayors for a moment of discussion on Tuesday June 18, for the first time. The opportunity for the center head, surrounded by members of the center management and the president of the association, to present the SDIS 79 and its missions. The elected officials then learned about the organization of the CIS of Champdeniers (staff, organization, sector of intervention, operational activity, availability). The current territorial organization was discussed with the establishment of six companies since 1is June 2024 and its objectives.

Developing volunteering

The discussions focused in particular on recruitment difficulties and the lack of availability during the day. A way to raise awareness among elected officials about the possibilitiesbilities to facilitate the development of volunteering (mayor’s wishes, municipal bulletin, town hall websites, etc.), the recruitment of SPV municipal agents, to encourage their employees to become SVPs and facilitate their commitment through an availability agreement, etc.

Lieutenant Bluteau insisted on thank the mayors or their representatives as well as my colleagues for their active participation. This moment of privileged exchanges was the occasion to present our rescue center, its place in the territorial organization and itsn essential role as local relief. Also, this allowed me to highlight the investment of the staff who work on a daily basis but also to raise awareness of our difficulties with recruitment and availability during the day.”


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