DayFR Euro

Blagnac. Demonstration at the Weidknnet school

Last Monday, parents and children gathered in front of the Weidknnet school group to protest against an elementary class closure in their establishment.

The elected parents are launching an appeal: “We are asking Dasen to reverse its decision to close elementary classes. The lack of resources for our department is worrying and harms the learning conditions of our children. Blagnac is not spared. The Weidknnet school has already closed one class this year and will close another at the start of the next school year, which is difficult for families and the teaching team to consider with peace of mind.

“In this deplorable context, and while Haute-Garonne is one of the departments where the average of students per teacher is one of the highest at the national level, the Dasen of Haute-Garonne is considering 51 new class closures for the start of the 2024 school year, in addition to the 150 already recorded in February.

“With an allocation of zero positions for next year, the school map is a real bleeding: classes beyond 28 students, non-replacement becoming the norm, lack of AESH, Rased, school psychologists, closures of specialized units.

“This allocation, which is far removed from the needs of our school under great strain, will not allow us to implement the urgent measures necessary for the academic success of all students.”


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