DayFR Euro

Millau. Where to buy your tickets for the Natural Games

There are still places available to access the major sporting shows and concerts of the Natural Games. To book your tickets, the Online ticketing is available until 4 p.m. this Thursday, June 27 or on the NG website for the duration of the event.

Come to La Maladrerie now for four days of madness, sports competitions and music on the program.


The program of the day


8h45-9h15 Show Base Jump in Massebiau

9h-18h Demonstration Highline Gorges de La Jonte

9h-17h Training Contest Kayak Freestyle Pro/Am Au Village Du Festival

10h-18h Training Contest Jumpline Pro/Am – French Jumpline Tour au Village
You Festival

10h-18h Training Contest Mtb & Bmx Freestyle Pro/Am au Village Du

In the evening

18h-19h Free Half-Pipe Jam Contest [Trottinette X Roller]

18h-20h30 Dragon Boat Contest Public

6:30 p.m Show Parapente Freestyle Dj’s Crew Ng

20h15 Show Wingsuit Dj’s Crew Ng

20h30 Massilia Sound System

21h30 Best Tricks Mtb & Bmx Freestyle + Dj’s Crew Ng

22h Alltta With 20syl & Mr. J. Medeiros

23h Duel Vitesse Escalade + Dj’s Crew Ng

23h45 Caballero & Jeanjass

00h45 Show Jumpline + Dj’s Crew Ng

1h15Vladimir Cauchemar

2h15 Dj’s Crew Ng


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