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Fez: Great success for the “flourishing Medina”

And five for “The Flourishing Medina”. The event jointly organized by the Ducci Foundation, the Fès-Saïss Association, the Les Étoiles de la Médina Cultural Center, affiliated with the Ali Zoua Foundation, the International Center for Intercultural Dialogue, with the support of the Embassy of Italy in Morocco is enjoying great success.

Held at the headquarters of the Fez-Saïss Association, the Ducci Foundation and its gallery, it continues until June 27. Over three days (from June 25 to 27, 2024), this event includes exhibitions, meetings and concerts inviting Italian and Moroccan artists. For Paolo Ducci, president of the Ducci Foundation, “”The Flourishing Medina” aims to promote intercultural dialogue between Europe and the Arab world through art and culture.” “And Fez lends itself fully to this Mediterranean dialogue,” adds Ducci, affirming that “the event seeks to establish a bridge of lasting dialogue between the two shores of the Mediterranean.” The same goes for Armando Barucco, Italian ambassador to Morocco, for whom “the support of the embassy and the Italian Cultural Institute for this new edition promotes dialogue between Italy and Morocco.”

The diplomat recalled in this regard the recent success of the Italian participation in the Festival of Sacred Music in Fez, where the performance of “Stabat Mater” by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi attracted more than 4,000 spectators at Bab Makina. He also insisted on strengthening the deep ties between Italy and Morocco, recalling the historic twinning between Fez and Florence, one of the first and rarest international twinnings of the Italian city. For his part, Leoluca Orlando, MEP and former mayor of Palermo, stressed that the Mediterranean must no longer be a sea that divides, but rather one that unites the two shores.

“Today, the Mediterranean represents only 1% of the world’s seas, a small body of water, crossed by 20% of global maritime traffic, 30% of energy transport (oil, gas and chemicals) and 20% of telecommunications networks,” he noted, stressing that the Mediterranean does not use all the opportunities of this new centrality. The European parliamentarian also specified that the Kingdom of Morocco has become an example of a vision of the future and peace capable of combining roots and wings.

In any case, “the Fès-Saïss Association is proud to actively participate in this type of event that promotes socio-cultural dialogue, artistic animation, and intercultural exchange,” says Driss Belkhayate, vice-president of the Association. The program of this NGO includes important meetings for 2024.

These one-off meetings aim to highlight “the major projects of the Kingdom in the context of water management, sport as a vector of development, the role of civil society in the promotion of territorial integrity, as well as the Moroccan model in the preservation of rights…among others”.



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