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#SPORT – Boulonnais Sand Yachting is heading to the World Cup!

The Boulonnais Sand Yachting Club (CVB) is preparing to represent France at the World Championships. This event will take place on the beaches of Gold Beach in Asnelles, from June 29 to July 5, 2024. A historic first participation for the club.

Five drivers will fly the colors of the city and France among the 235 drivers from 21 nations: Nathalie Devigne, driver and vice-champion of France 2024 in the standard category, Manon Murroni, bronze medalist at the 2024 French championship in the category standard, Timéo Choquel, French cadet team champion and NSF pilot, Julie Lebas, French cadet team champion 2023 and cadet bronze medalist and Charly Taine, also French cadet team champion and NSF pilot.

To shine in the world’s most beautiful competition, the drivers follow a rigorous training program with two sessions per week, supplemented by individual training for their physical development. “I am proud and excited to represent my club and my country” confides Timéo Choquel while Julie Lebas admits “a little stress but above all a great determination: I want to win.” All under the benevolent and experienced gaze of Nathalie Devigne. “We go there to have fun, but the goal remains a podium for the three female drivers.”

This world championship is not only an opportunity for the Boulonnais Sand Yachting Club, but also a showcase for the city of Boulogne-sur-Mer. “We thank the city and the Boulonnais urban community for their support” insists the director of the CVB. “We also benefit from the support of parents and families. As a collective, we manage the pressure for young people. Our values ​​are fun and competitive spirit.”

The Boulonnais Sand Yacht Club, founded in 1989, is today the largest sand yacht club in France. Its participation in this World Championship marks an important step in its history. May the wind be favorable to the CVB pilots for this international competition!

2024 Land Yachting World Championship, from June 29 to July 5, Gold Beach, Asnelles.


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