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the forum of 1,000 graduates from major schools

Published on June 27, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.Updated June 27, 2024 at 5:12 p.m.

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In this forum, more than 1,000 graduates of major schools (HEC, ESCP, ESSEC, etc.) refuse the voting instructions of Patrick Martin, president of Medef, who refers RN and New Popular Front back to back.

This article is an op-ed, written by an author outside the newspaper and whose point of view does not commit the editorial staff.

We are graduates of “grandes écoles”, economic actors and leaders, entrepreneurs, and we wish to express our disagreement with the comments of Patrick Martin, president of Medef, published in “le Figaro” on June 20. He declared that “The programs of the RN and the New Popular Front are dangerous for the economy”.

We affirm with conviction that this comparison between the two programs, although diametrically opposed, constitutes a perilous amalgamation for democracy.

We firmly reject the program of the National Rally, xenophobic and populist, economically incoherent and illegible. History has shown that the far right in power plunges countries into deep social, economic and political crises, a scenario that we must avoid at all costs.

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However, to assert so confidently that the program of the New Popular Front would be dangerous for the economy is unfounded. This declaration, unilateral and without contradiction, claims to represent the unanimous voice of the economic world. A voice which, for too long, has monopolized media space by systematically demonizing economic proposals that are not its own.

It is urgent to break with this dominant discourse in business circles, which systematically discredits the economic proposals of the left and fuels the flames of the National Rally.

We must re-establish debate and promote diversity of ideas within the academic and economic world, where varied opinions are not only tolerated, but also respected and considered.

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We urge the economic media and leadership circles to recognize the diversity of economic theories and thoughts, to listen to them and to disseminate them, rather than to caricature and stigmatize them.

The public debate must take into account academic support for the program of the New Popular Front, a democratic, relevant program, and supported by a significant portion of economic actors, leaders, executives, researchers and teachers. The column by “300 economists” published on June 25 is a perfect illustration: there is an alternative economic path, bringing fiscal justice and redistribution, creating jobs and wealth.

Trained in these Grandes écoles, and exercising responsibilities in various economic sectors, we wish to make this alternative, responsible voice heard, which does not seek to pit economic leaders against their employees, large companies against smaller ones, French employees against employees. foreigners. We aspire to chart a path of reconciliation, far from the violent divisions in our society.

While the far right is more than ever at the gates of power, the program of the New Popular Front, in its diversity, seems to us to be the only one capable of preventing the worst. By disqualifying him with the stroke of a pen, the president of Medef is not only promoting the program of the presidential party to the detriment of others, he is attempting to discredit any alternative and is, in reality, paving the road to the Rally even further. national.

The first signatories:

Olivier Aubert, HEC

Ludovic Flandin, HEC

Marie Floquet, HEC

Mona Hitti, HEC

Alexis Krycève, HEC

Jean-Marie Perbost, ESCP

Flore Vasseur, HEC

Delphine Rouilleault, HEC

The list of signatories can be found here

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