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Three young dolphins are having fun in the Old Port of La Rochelle and don’t want to leave

People who were in the Old Port area of ​​La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) on June 25, 2024 were surprised to see three dolphins swimming in the water, photos and videos of which were quickly shared on social networks.

The animals would have arrived at the end of the day as far as the Chalutiers basin, thanks to the rising tide, explains News La Rochelle.

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For the health and safety of the dolphins, the lock keepers lured them towards the port exit but the cetaceans quickly returned to the basin. Scientists then tried once again to guide them towards the open sea but the animals did not want to move, says France 3 New Aquitaine.

They therefore spent the night in the water of the port and those responsible chose to let them move around as they wished.

“A large swimming pool full of fish”

To protect visitors who attracted many curious people, they were asked not to throw food at the dolphins, nor to disturb their environment in any way. “They are in a large fish pool which is relatively calm because there is not too much navigation”estimated Olivier Vancanneyt, coordinator of observation systems at the Pelagis Observatory.

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The animals are young but appear to have a good level of autonomy and will be able to leave the basin twice a day, at times when the locks open. If they fail to return to the sea, experts have indicated that they will consider an operation to guide them. If all else fails, crossed and weighted ropes could be used to repel the cetaceans.


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