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At the Lyon city council, the right-wing motion against Gonette rejected

At the heart of the debates for several days, La Gonette continues to make headlines: after the revelations concerning the involvement of environmentalist elected officials in the association, the report of the regional audit office (CRC), or even the referral to the prosecutor by around thirty right-wing metropolitan elected officials, it is the turn of the Lyon municipal council to be the scene of the controversy.

Indeed, in this last municipal council before the summer, on Thursday June 27, the Right, Center and Independent group whose leader is none other than the mayor of the 2nd arrondissement Pierre Oliver presented a motion against the local currency, after the publication of the CRC report.

It was Laurence Croizier who became the voice of the group to carry the following demands: repeal the City’s membership in the Gonette association and the use of currency to pay elected officials’ allowances or its use in the City’s revenue offices. In passing, she took a swipe at Sandrine Runel and the “Nupes 2″who had described Gonette as “project which says a lot about their vision of the economy.

For its part, the left responded by sending the horsemen Kimelfeld, Perrin-Gilbert and Cabot, who respectively described the objective of the Gonette as “commendable”positioning itself against the moratorium, and a pledge of a “social and solidarity economy”. All, however, call for the greatest vigilance regarding the application of the CRC directives.

All this, completed by the deputy for employment and sustainable economy Camille Augey, who was keen to point out that “This CRC report is communicated to us because the City participates in financing and not because the City would be implicated.”

Despite an exhaustive list of recommendations made by the financial authority, and the problems highlighted, the deputy supported Gonette so that it could “to strengthen, to structure, to develop”at a time when she needs our trust more than ever.”

A quick rebound from the right and it was time to vote: the motion was overwhelmingly rejected.


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