DayFR Euro

Orléans Loiret Basket completes its racket with Dutch pivot Nathan Kuta

This is a profile that has been missing in recent seasons from Orléans Loiret Basket. The club formalizes the recruitment of Dutch pivot Nathan Kuta. He completes the Orléans racket, already made up of Ludovic Negrobar, Tomislav Gabric and Nicolas Pavrette. Nathan Kuta arrives from Charleroi, resident of the BNXT League which brings together Belgian and Dutch teams. From the height of his 2m04 (accompanied by his 115 kilos!), the interior remains in a good season : 10 points and 7 rebounds on average, for an evaluation of 16. With this arrival, the departure of the pivot Petit Niang – very disappointing in the OLB jersey – now seems inevitable.

“Nathan is a Dutch international who is coming off a great season with Charleroi reacts Lamine Kébé, the OLB coach. He has great offensive qualities, whether in the post-up (one against one with his back to the circle) or mid-distance. He has enormous activity all over the field, he is someone who has a lot of heart and who works hard in defense.”.

For those who want to see the new OLB pivot in action, here is a compilation of the best actions by Nathan Kuta last season on the Charleroi side:

Nathan Kuta – Charleroi 2023/2024


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