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In Sainte-Anne-d’Auray, teenagers transformed an old fridge into a book box

In April 2024, during the youth projects, six teenagers spent a week with the technical services agents of Sainte-Anne-d’Auray (Morbihan). Our objective was, using pallet wood, to create a book box , explains Arthur, 13 years old. He tinkers a bit and has already built a skateboard ramp with his mother. This time I was able to use different tools, like a circular saw. Arthur was safely equipped and placed under the supervision of José, one of the technical services agents.

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For Anaëlle, 16 years old: “My favorite part was cutting the wood and putting it together. I’m very proud of the result.” Peri, 13 years old, “I really enjoyed removing the nails in the pallet boards” when Maxime, 14, preferred to use the nail gun. For Nathan, also 14, it is the realization of the book box that speaks to him the most: “We transformed an old fridge. Close to the intergenerational park games and the campsite, the book box will allow everyone access to reading.”

Knowledge sharing

Launched this year, the youth projects allowed twelve teenagers to be useful. If they are volunteers, they have also gained self-confidence and discovered another way to spend their school holidays. During this time, we are not on our screens and we are learning lots of things , said one of them. For Jean-Michel Barbé, deputy for children, the reflection goes further. We are here in a principle of sharing knowledge and skills. Young people can take part in different activities, often not practiced at home. It’s a great exchange of knowledge. On the technical services side, it is estimated that It’s a way to get to know each other and also show our different services. Wednesday June 26, 2024, the book box was inaugurated. She already offers several works. Our aim is to build more for the Camborne area and near the college and high school. concluded Jean-Michel Barbé.


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