DayFR Euro

Legislative: the Workers’ Party in Dreux sees “a change of regime”

Béatrice Jaffrenou, candidate of the Workers’ Party (PT) and Dominique Maillot, her replacement, who hosted a public meeting this Thursday, June 27 at the Agora in Vernouillet, which brought together around thirty people.

“It’s not the electoral score that counts. We know very well that we won’t be elected,” affirm Béatrice Jaffrenou, candidate of the Workers’ Party (PT) and Dominique Maillot, her replacement, “The important thing is what comes next. For the moment, we are only certain of one thing. After these elections, Emmanuel Macron will still be President of the Republic. And that is no longer possible,” thunders Dominique Maillot, who takes up his party’s slogan: “Get rid of Bardella, chase away Macron and the Fifth Republic.”

“Get rid of Badella”

“No longer possible because Macron only has 3 million votes out of 50 million voters and yet he will govern and can even do it alone using 49.3.” The PT rejects the RN.

Legislative elections in Dreux: candidates propose their health remedies

We must put an end to the Fifth Republic and convene a constituent assembly for power by the people and for the people.

Béatrice Jaffrenou and Dominique Maillot (PT)

“The New Popular Front has good ideas. But it says nothing about NATO and Europe, about the presidential regime that gathers power in the hands of a single person. While we are in the midst of a regime crisis. For us, we must put an end to the Fifth Republic that gives full powers to a single person, and convene a constituent assembly for power by the people and for the people.”
The PT says nothing about voting instructions in the 2nd round. “The national authorities will meet on Sunday evening. But there will undoubtedly be young people in the streets and we would like to see workers decide on a general strike to defend themselves.”

Pascale Rouchaud


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