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What to remember from the three debates in the Nice constituencies

The first round of the legislative elections is approaching. The different candidates from the 3 constituencies of Nice have exchanged, an opportunity to learn more about them.

The 1sttime constituency of Nice

It includes the port, the eastern districts (Bon-Voyage, Riquier, Vinaigrier, the Observatory, Saint-Roch, Mont-Boron). Those in the center (Garibaldi, Carabacel, Jean-Médecin, Masséna, Vieux-Nice, Gambetta, Grosso, Le Piol, les Baumettes).

Graig Monettisous Ensemble/Horizons, Olivier Salerno (LFI), candidate under the New Popular Front and Virgil Vanier LR candidates faced each other.

Everyone mentioned a democratic problem: the outgoing deputy Eric Ciotti has refused to join the debate. For Greg Monetti, it is a “ shame ” to not ” come and talk about the problems« .

Virgile Vanier spoke about his candidacy, which some consider sudden. He presents himself as down to earth: he has been a student, an employee, a property owner. Thus, by proposing his candidacy, he is simply projecting himself into his ” citizen action“. Eric Ciotti’s main adversary, Virgil goes to judgment of the Nice. He believes that voters “ will not vote for a racist man« .

If Greg Monetti castigated Olivier Salerno and in particular the ideas of the New Popular Front on the 14 tax brackets : « lThe country in the world where we pay the most tax“, the LFI candidate defended himself. This measure would aim to “ erase injustice “she would make them pay more” 8% richest« .

About the SRU lawa major concern in the sector, Greg Monetti decides: he wants to put an end to it. Olivier Salerno denounces this measure: ” The glaring lack of social housing is criminal“. While Virgile Vanier would be in favor of finding a happy medium: “ adapt the SRU law “to make Nice at once” attractive for tourists and local residents« .

The 3th Nice constituency

The third constituency ishas the most populous of Nice. It extends north of Nice and includes other municipalities such as Saint-André-de-la-Roche, Falicon and La Trinité. Its territory includes north of Thiers station to the north of the city and from the hills above Saint-Barthélémy to Rimiez and L’Ariane.

The outgoing MP Phlippe Pradal sous Ensemble-Horizons, Laura Quignad (PS) with the New Popular Front and Bernard Chaix with LR-RN notably discussed Ciotti’s alliance with Bardella.

Bernard Chaix has no problem with this agreement. He believes that it meets the population’s demands: ” people desperate about finances, immigration, and security“. He subsequently denounced the left alliance « Anti-Semites on the LFI side » and describing Mélanchon as “ danger« .

Laure Quignad reassures, she hopes for a socialist prime minister. However, she recalls theobjective of this alliance of the left : « There are differences, but we must get to the heart of the points that bring us together, such as humanism and social issues.« .

Then, Philippe Pradal places himself in the middle of these “ emergency alliances“. On the one hand, he is afraid that LFI ” imposes its views. The Popular Front of 36 is based on a moderate party, this is the extreme. » On the other side, he criticizes the LR for assimilating itself to the RN. Bernard Chaix nuance : « It’s a gathering, not a merger, I’m not into extremes.“. He then adds that concerning the votes, the LR party will not always go in the direction of the RN.

The outgoing MP speaks of a ” interrupted momentum ” over there dissolution of the National AssemblyHe adds that he wants to bring together voters from ” the Mitterrandian left, the Macronist right« .

The 5th constituency

It extends from the coast to the far north of the department. The airport is part of it, as are the districts of Lingostière and Saint-Isidore, Saint-Antoine de Ginestière and Saint-Roman de Bellet in the heights; Fabron, Les Moulins or Saint-Augustin, in town.

During this debate, were present: Fabrice Decoupigny (EELV) with the New Popular Front, Agnès Benkemoun of the Workers’ Struggle, Gael Nofri under Ensemble-Horizons and also Axel Hvidsten with Ecology at the center. The outgoing Christelle D’Intorni LR-RN chose not to participate in the debate.

After criticizing Christelle D’Intorni’s record, the candidates recalled their combats respective. Fabrice Decoupigny highlights his title “ We are blocking the RN“, although Agnès Benkemoun does not agree. She believes that the left also participated in the rise of the far right.

One of the issues in this constituency of Nice is the climate deregulation : if Fabrice denounces the station in particular Isola 2000Agnès Benkemoun makes a point of reminding everyone of their responsibilities: “ It’s because of the decisions made by big companies« .

Regarding the problems of public services, and in particular the lack of medical staffGaël Nofri wants more training. Show « the advantages of living in villages ” seems important to him to make attractive these isolated areas. Fabrice Decoupigny wishes to ” incentivize by contract » students to work in medical desert areas.

To remedy the shortage of teachers In the hinterland of Nice, Gaël Nofri would like to reduce holidays and also increase salaries. work more and earn more« .

Finally, regarding the drug trafficking especially in the district of MillsGaël Nofri is categorical: the guilty must be imprisoned, and ” to workers and retirees » but also to “ nurses, police officers“, social housing. The aim is to create a new dynamic.

Fabrice Decoupigny believes that we need a ” outreach work » because the population is “ abandoned“, he is joined by Axel Hvidsten. For Agnès Benkemoun, this problem is contained by the problem of social security, since the inhabitants of this district work ” holding down up to three jobs« .


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