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Legislative elections 2024: Who are the candidates in the Bourges/St-Amand-Montrond constituency?

It is also the Cher constituency where there are the most candidates: there are 7 of them seeking the votes for this first round.
The RN is constantly increasing in this very rural constituency. This time, it’s a Parisian lawyer who takes the plunge. Pierre Gentilletformer columnist on Cnews and former member of the UMP which he left in 2015. A divided far right since Reconquête, the party of Eric Zemmour presents a candidate: Eric Lougnona former army officer known for his anti-LGBT positions. The mission of the outgoing MP, elected since 2017, Loïc Kervran, member of Horizon, the party of Edouard Philippe, promises to be delicate, but he is a well-established native of the country who benefits from the support of the mayor of St-Amand-Montrond Emmanuel Riotte in withdrawal from LR. Caillou in his shoe, an LR candidate, precisely, Benedicte de Choulot, vice-president of the departmental council. The left advances united. The New Popular Front is banking on LFI and youth, a 21-year-old fine arts student from Bourges, Emma Moreira. Standing up France, the movement of Nicolas Dupont Aignan, invested in Christa Chartier and Lutte Ouvrière will be represented by Eric Bellet.


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