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David Dorez, co-founder and head brewer of Chope Angus, located in Rosemont (Courtesy Silviane Robini/Chope Angus)

In the Quebec microbrewery industry, brewing cooperatives stand out for their unique approach, combining artisanal know-how and community commitment. La Chope Angus, located in Rosemont, has chosen this cooperative business model with its many advantages.

The craft brewery, which celebrated its 2nd anniversary on June 15, has, among other things, opted for the cooperative in order to create « a company on a human scale », which would also be firmly established in its neighborhood. “We wanted to be able to continue even if certain members left,” explains David Dorez, co-founding member and head brewer.

There are five models of cooperatives that can be considered, and Chope Angus has chosen the solidarity model, which means that its members can be consumers, employees, suppliers and external advisors. The brewery has also registered as a non-profit company. The use of our surpluses is determined by the board of directors. They can be distributed to members in the form of dividends, invested in salary increases, allocated to specific projects in the neighborhood or set aside in a reserve to ensure the sustainability of the business », specifies David Dorez.

Get involved in your community

Anne-Claude Thivierge, project manager and representative for Table des Microbrasseries COOP (Courtesy)

A solidarity cooperative also has the mandate to participate in the life of its neighborhood, among other things by responding to the needs of its members. Often, it can happen that certain microbreweries brew charitable beers, part of the profits from sales of which are donated to local organizations », explains Anne-Claude Thivierge, project manager and representative for the COOP microbrewery table. Among the fifteen cooperative microbreweries in Quebec, 9 are members of this association.

« The cooperative microbrewery À la Fût, which is part of our table, contributed to the installation of the reconstruction of a western village, animated by actors every weekend “, illustrates Anne-Claude Thivierge. This microbrewery located in Saint-Tite, in Mauricie, contributed financially to the project by renting the services of an external organization to take care of the event, but also by offering its space.

A fragile industry, a sustainable model

The brewing industry is going through a very difficult period at the moment, according to Anne-Claude Thivierge. It all started since COVID-19 with an increase in the cost of raw materials, then the cost of transportation. Knowing that consumers are currently experiencing a crisis and drinking less, retailers are ordering fewer beers, [et les gestionnaires de microbrasseries vivent] at the same time an increase in rent “, she explains. Some companies had no choice but to close their doors, such as the brewing cooperative MaBrasserie in November 2023, which has since been bought by business people and brewers.

Despite everything, the cooperative model seems to have a formula that increases its chances of lasting over time. As proof, recent research has confirmed that the survival rate of Quebec cooperatives is significantly higher than that of Quebec businesses. Indeed, ” 63.9% of cooperatives survive after five years, compared to 35% of Quebec businesses “, according to the most recent study carried out in 2022 by the Quebec Council for Cooperation and Mutuality on the survival rate of cooperatives.

The terrace of Chope Angus during the summer season (Courtesy Silviane Robini/Chope Angus)

According to Anne-Claude Thivierge, the cooperative model also makes it possible to tackle the issues that arise differently, among other things because decision-making is more “ horizontal ». “It is easier to find solutions to requests for reduced working hours or increased pay, for example, when you are part of the solution. The mental load is also less important since you share the challenges and you are not accountable to any shareholder. »

Since worker members are often also owners, their personal investment shapes the way they work. “ When a member owner brews their own beer, the feeling of belonging and pride is particularly great », concludes the representative for Table des Microbrasseries COOP.

The special report L’EST COOPÉRATIF 2024 is produced in part thanks to the financial contribution of the following partners:


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