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La Soudanaise will not be “The best bakery in France”

It’s over: at the end of the show broadcast yesterday at the very end of the afternoon on M6, The Sudanese woman was eliminated from the culinary program The best bakery in France. At the gates of “the final of finals” three of this eleventh season, to be seen this Friday after twenty-five weeks of competition.

Represented by its manager, Julien Robert, and Simon David, one of its employees, the Soudan business was beaten at the end of the challenge launched by the starred chef Michel Sarran: bringing together four of the last twelve pairs in the running, only one being qualified, the test consisted of the creation of« un snacking de foil » with two imposed products, tomatoes and chorizo.

A trompe-l’oeil burger

“We are disappointed because we believed in it, but that’s the game and it’s even logical, there were better players than us,” reacted Julien Robert: the thirty-year-old from Sainte-Éanne talks about “small technical errors” made in the laboratory of the Montchevreuil estate to end up with Tomazo, a trompe-l’oeil in the shape of a burger. The challenge lasted five hours, spread over two days: “We felt like it was getting out of hand, we were overcome by stress…”

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The jury, completed by Bruno Cormerais and Noëmie Honiat, nevertheless praised the result despite the egg yolk which leaked when Michel Sarran tasted the creation. “I have the feeling that we really didn’t go far, but that it was a little less clear than the others, summarizes the manager of La Soudanaise. It’s frustrating because there were lots of relatives and customers who saw us arriving in the top 3.” It will remain a top 12, knowing that there were 238 artisanal bakeries at the start.

jumped 30%

What will Julien Robert remember from the adventure? “When we said yes in December, we didn’t think we’d go this far, even though I’m not the type to commit to something just to do it halfway. Everything is positive, we even created connections. We were the Tom Thumb since we met shops that had no less than twenty or even thirty employees: we can be proud of ourselves.”

NOW, “we will continue to grow”. As proof, La Soudanaise has found the saleswoman it was missing, bringing the number of employees to nine in addition to the manager, including two apprentices: “For our profession, this show is great. » For business too: turnover has increased“at least 30%. And We’re expecting a big weekend! »

For Julien Robert, this journey on television has “even more united” a team that was “already” united.
© (Photo NR, Jean-André Boutier)


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