DayFR Euro

Pascal Saint-Amans, partner at Brunswick Group and professor of tax policy at HEC

This Thursday, June 27, Pauline Janin, general director of Chiche, Gabriel Thierry, CEO and co-founder of Karmen, Quentin Parrinello, senior political advisor of the European Taxation Observatory, Geneviève Pons, general director of Europe Jacques Delors, Pascal Saint-Amans, partner at Brunswick Group and professor of tax policy at HEC, Thibault Prebay, deputy general manager of Arbevel, and Jean-Marc Daniel, BFM Business editorialist, were guests on the Good Morning Business show on BFM Business . Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Thursday, June 27, the progression of the idea of ​​a global taxation of billionaires, the three billion euros more in the state coffers over the last year, as well as the top jobs, since it is today that there is a meeting on the European side for two days, were addressed by Jean-Marc Daniel, BFM Business editorialist, Thibault Prebay, deputy general director of Arbevel, and Geneviève Pons, general director of Europe Jacques Delors , received by Laure Closier in the Good Morning Business show on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

Geneviève Pons, Managing Director of Europe Jacques Delors, was Laure Closier’s guest on Good Morning Business, this Thursday June 27. They returned to the results of the European election with the position of Ursula von der Leyen and the imminent agreement on the “top jobs” to be filled, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

Quentin Parrinello, senior political advisor at the European Tax Observatory, was Laure Closier’s guest on Good Morning Business, this Thursday, June 27. They returned to the means used to set up the G20, taxation for global billionaires as well as the proper functioning of the system, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Thursday, June 27, the effectiveness of the audit of public accounts imposed by Jordan Bardella on the increase in the public finance budget was addressed by Jean-Marc Daniel and Nicolas Doze in their column, in the show Good Morning Business, presented by Laure Closier, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Thursday, June 27, the next presidential election in Iran, the probability that the reform camp will win the election, and the evolution of Iran’s relations with the rest of the world following the vote, were discussed by Benaouda Abdeddaïm in his column, in the show Good Morning Business, presented by Laure Closier, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

Gabriel Thierry, CEO and co-founder of Karmen, was Laure Closier’s guest on Good Morning Business, this Thursday, June 27. They returned to Karmen’s fundraising to enable French VSEs and SMEs to finance their WCR or working capital requirements, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Thursday, June 27, the attraction of miners for Kaspa, which outperforms Bitcoin, with a 50% increase over one year, compared to 40% for the queen of cryptocurrencies, was discussed by Antoine Larigaudrie in BFM Crypto, in the Good Morning Business show, presented by Laure Closier, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Thursday, June 27, Mattel’s commitment to making 90% of its games more inclusive by next year was addressed by Eva Jacquot in her column Morning Retail, in the show Good Morning Business, presented by Laure Closier , on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.


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