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The strengthened Strategic Partnership between Morocco and France under debate at IFRI –

Chaired by Thierry de Montbrial, President of Ifri, in the presence of an audience of eminent experts on international issues, this debate focused in particular on the strength of the specific relationship which unites the two countries and the potential for its development in the future on solid and lasting foundations.

The debate also focused on the challenges faced by both Morocco and France in a turbulent regional and international geopolitical context.

Addressing the dynamic of recovery, resolutely focused on the future, that bilateral relations are experiencing today, Ms. Sitail affirmed that the two parties are working on the basis of an ambitious common roadmap having identified a wide range of areas of cooperation to build the future, ranging from energy, skills, competitiveness, economic prosperity, climate and security.

“Our relationship is based on mutual trust. Our ambition is strong. It transcends the vagaries of the moment,” underlined the Ambassador of Morocco, recalling the desire, carried at the highest summit of the State, to move forward in the historic partnership which links Morocco to France.

Referring to the African roots of the Kingdom, Ms. Sitail affirmed that Morocco has been able to identify the realities, specificities, challenges and multiple ambitions of this continent in order to make co-development relations flourish based on mutual respect, solidarity and trust, highlighting the strong cultural, historical and spiritual ties that unite Morocco with many African countries.

“With our African brothers we share values, a culture, a religion and a precious historical heritage that we must preserve and perpetuate,” noted the Ambassador of Morocco.

Responding to a question on the Atlantic Initiative launched by His Majesty King Mohammed VI to promote access for the Sahel States to the Atlantic Ocean, Ms. Sitail stressed that this project aims to make the Afro-Atlantic zone a space of peace, security and shared prosperity.

“If this initiative concerns the great economic opportunities offered by the maritime space of Atlantic Africa from which the Sahel States will benefit, it also has a major security dimension to the extent that the region has become the favorite terrain of groups terrorists who threaten the peace and security not only of the region, but also of its Euro-Mediterranean neighborhood,” explained Ms. Sitail.

In this context, she deplored the impact of the non-Maghreb which strongly penalizes the peoples of the region due to the intransigence of certain countries which maneuver against the grain of history and international legality to undermine the integrity territorial territory of the Kingdom.

After recalling the genesis of the artificial conflict around the Moroccan Sahara and the major positive developments that the issue is experiencing at the United Nations level, the Ambassador stressed that the autonomy plan proposed by Morocco is reinforced today by a broad international support, including that of France.

“This conflict created from scratch by Algeria cannot last and Morocco is perfectly within its rights,” she insisted, denouncing “the ordeal experienced by our brothers held against their will in the Tindouf camps, on Algerian territory in undignified conditions.”

In this same context, she highlighted the unprecedented economic and social growth experienced by the southern provinces of the Kingdom, thanks to the development model initiated by HM the King, as well as the dynamism and active participation and citizen of the population in the political, social and economic life of these regions.

Questioned, moreover, on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Ambassador of Morocco highlighted the role played by the Kingdom, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, in the establishment of peace and the defense of inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in their territories.

She also underlined the Kingdom’s permanent support for the brotherly Palestinian people through the humanitarian actions ordered by HM the King, President of the Al Quds Committee, highlighting the unprecedented humanitarian breakthrough made by Morocco, by transporting, by land, the food and medical aid to Gaza, thanks to its diplomatic weight, the aura it enjoys on the international scene and its position highly respected by the countries of the region.

Morocco, she affirmed, is the only country to have succeeded in transporting food and medical aid by land to the populations of Gaza, recalling the two recent humanitarian operations, that of the month of Ramadan and last Monday, ordered by the Sovereign for the benefit of the Palestinian populations.

This debate, organized within the prestigious circle of the Interallied Union, was marked by the presence in particular of the former minister and deputy, Pierre Lellouch, the former secretary general of the Quai d’Orsay and diplomat, Maurice Gourdault-Montagne, as well as other eminent personalities from the academic world, the economic ghota of France, researchers, diplomats and journalists.

The editorial team/Le7tv


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