DayFR Euro

Legislative: A call from the Mayor of Le Creusot and left-wing elected officials

Communiqué :
Call for the mobilization of left-wing voters: this Sunday, June 30, every vote will count.

This Sunday, June 30, every vote will count. And because the situation is too serious, as elected officials from Le Creusot we invite that no voice is missing from the left in Le Creusot: we must vote NEW POPULAR FRONT!

The dissolution of the National Assembly is an irresponsible decision by the President of the Republic and one that brings the National Rally closer to the gates of power. What would that mean to Le Creusot?

– A weakening of our schools. The RN project is a step backwards! At Le Creusot we act with determination for an exemplary public education service equipped with the necessary means.
– A deconstruction of our industrial apparatus by isolating our country. If companies are doing well today it is because work is largely oriented towards a globalized market with strong exports (steel, nuclear power, transport, etc.).
– A renunciation of the culture that the RN hates. As we initiate at Le Creusot a wide opening to creation and artistic practices, like the very next summer festival.
– An encouragement to hatred for not living together. Le Creusot is, however, a land where solidarity is not an empty word: it has always been practiced, from La Commune to the most recent struggles, for the workers, for the oppressed, for all those who need help. an unconditional welcome.
– A brake on associative vitality because in all the cities managed by the RN the associations have been weakened. The associative movement was very mobilized to express its opposition to the far-right and at Le Creusot we would like to continue this support for associations.

The far right is the antithesis of the values ​​that we have always defended. And make no mistake, she brutalizes everything. Already elsewhere in Europe the extreme right is showing its true face. Let’s look at Hungary with Viktor Orban’s takeover of the media to curb freedoms! Let’s look at Italy where the ultra-conservative Giorgia Meloni had the right to abortion removed from the common text of the G7 countries a few weeks ago. The far right is the enemy of women’s rights.

Voting for the far right is not the right way to express anger linked to a difficult daily life and which we can understand. At Creusot we have the firm determination to prevent such a scenario because it is the Creusotines, the Creusotins, who would be the first to be sanctioned in their everyday lives.

Faced with this danger, the democratic surge cannot be expressed through Rémy REBEYROTTE, the candidate of the President of the Republic in our constituency. Indeed, Emmanuel MACRON himself caused this situation. He is not a bulwark against the extreme right, he is now its stepping stone. His candidates cannot play a role tomorrow in the democratic restructuring nor propose a new political offer that is fairer and more ecologically responsible.

So, in a completely new political situation, where everything is moving very quickly, the left was able to react to find itself in its diversity. Yes, we have our differences, our nuances. But we have worked on a government program, a program which does not play on fears and which affirms a serious government program.

Yes, it’s a useful vote. But above all it is an effective vote to support purchasing power, to repair public services, to support our industries, to meet the climate challenge, to act in favor of peace, education, culture , health… This union is the only possibility to prevent the extreme right and reignite hope for many of our fellow citizens.

So this Sunday, June 30, the only danger is the far right, the only useful vote is the NEW POPULAR FRONT represented in our constituency by Richard BENINGER and Margaux FEVBRE. We invite as many voters as possible to make this choice.

The Mayor and the left-wing elected officials of the municipal majority of Le Creusot:
Moumen Achou, Jocelyne Blondeau, Sylvie Boudot, Sylvestre Coniau, Evelyne Couillerot, Arnaud Deleplanque, Domingo Diebra, José Do Carmo, Bernard Durand, Sébastien Gane, Ilhan Korkmaz, Christine Léger, David Marti, Laetitia Martinez, Jérémy Pinto, Yvon Puzenat, Montserrat Reyes, Barbara Sarandao, Adel Soumati, Noémie Vignard-Moreau


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