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They have the power to bring down the Saint-Etienne municipal council

If they ever decide to use it, it shouldn’t be until the fall. But by joining the opposition this week, nine former elected officials from the Perdriau majority potentially reach the necessary third of resignations for the anticipated Municipal Elections. Excluded until then – as well as immediately in the face of a context that is already quite “confused-busy-tense” as it is – the hypothesis is on the table and should even be discussed at the start of the school year between neo-opponents and opponents of the first hours. Its realization may, however, come up against limits that are more strategic than “technical”.

Six of the nine elected representatives of the Saint-Etienne Avant Tout group who have just slammed the door of the majority on Friday. ©If Media/Xavier Alix

Municipal elections anticipated in Saint-Etienne? To provoke elections before the end of the mandate, in March 2026, the resignation of a third of its 59 members is necessary. At least if it occurs before the end of the year. After December 31, 2024 due to the approach of municipal elections firmly on the 2026 agenda, if we interpret the legislative texts correctly, more than half of the councilor positions would then be vacant for the hypothesis to become reality. By announcing this week to join the opposition altogether, the 9 elected officials – there were 10 until the death of Denis Chambe in May – who had officially separated themselves from the rest of Gaël Perdriau’s majority in January have suddenly given credit to this possibility. The group “Saint-Etienne above all” ended up being created to more clearly mark the disagreement of its members on the management by Gaël Perdriau, from the blackmail affair to the intimate video with respect to which the latter remains presumed innocent although triple indicted.

Since September 2022, around ten elected officials from the majority have in fact called for minima the removal of the mayor from the case while Justice serves while continuing to vote on deliberations consistent with the term plan for which they were elected. Jacques Guarinos having resigned, these are, to date, the former deputies Nicole Peycelon, Claude Liogier, Robert Karulak, Paul Corrieras, Patrick Michaud and the former delegated advisors Jacques Phromala, Alain Schneider, Jean Jamet, Marie-Eve Goutelle. “Ex” since 8 of them renounced their title this week and the compensation that goes with it, i.e. a little more than €2,500 gross monthly for an assistant and €900 for an advisor with a delegation (three to four times less for a “simple” advisor). A twist of theater which adds to the festival launched in August 2022 and performed to everyone’s surprise on Monday in the Saint-Etienne municipal council which – at least visibly – Gaël Perdriau did not expect. It follows the vote for the ousting by the latter of one of their number, Claude Liogier from his deputy position for “loss of confidence”.

“This is not a current hypothesis”

Faced with the 35 elected officials still doing – and irremediably? – bloc around Gaël Perdriau, the “9” are now added numerically to the 12 elected officials making up the left-wing opposition groups “Saint-Étienne tomorrow”, “Le Temps de l’école”, the communists. But also to Lionel Boucher, former UDI deputy ousted a year ago and Antoine Poméon, young LR who arrived along the way in the council because on the 2020 list but having refused to sit in the majority from the start. It is also likely that a Gilles Artigues – he, officially still in the majority as 3e deputy – can join them if necessary. This would make a total of 24 elected officials, well over the third of those resigning needed to trigger elections, while by bringing Jacques Plaine onto the council as a numerical replacement for Claude Liogier, the Perdriau majority now no longer has any people “in reserve” on its 2020 electoral list.

Understand that this is really, really not the time to add instability given the national context. We’ll see later…

Nicole Peycelon, former assistant (Saint-Etienne Avant tout group)

This opposition, as variegated as ever, must still be understood. Political fiction? Certainly, but the potential producers of the film, at least a large number of them and from different political camps, have already discussed the scenario among themselves again this week, failing to firmly tackle its writing. Also, the subject will indeed be seriously discussed at the start of the school year. Resign en bloc with the left? “This is not a current hypothesis: understand that this is really, really not the time to add instability in view of the national context. We will see later, in September, in any case after the legislative elections… But here, our recent decision is not of a political nature”answered questions from the local press on Tuesday Nicole Peycelon, president of the Saint-Etienne Avant Tout group. This was during a last-minute press conference organized on Tuesday, the day after Monday’s dramatic turn of events. The dissident group had hidden its game well. Its decision to leave the majority had, in fact, been taken a week before, on the evening of Monday, June 17, as soon as Claude Liogier had been ousted, we learned on Tuesday.

« The mayor is already clearly in the campaign”

An act of solidarity which touched him greatly, the latter testified on Tuesday, feeling a deep injustice towards the work carried out for 10 years when he had abandoned his professional life as a banking executive 2 years before retirement, at the request of Gaël Perdriau. Nicole Peycelon had, like Claude Liogier before her, a meeting the same week with the mayor, like other deputies in her group. “What Gaël Perdriau wanted from me? It wasn’t an eviction for me. It was a question of asking me to collect Claude’s delegations now with the very clear intention of launching, alongside him, immediately into the race for 2026… The mayor has also clearly been in the campaign for several weeks. I told him “rather no” but in fact, it was already a firm no. We are consistent: we vote on the deliberations of the mandate plan in which we believe as a team and we will perhaps continue to do so at the start of the school year on deliberations in accordance with the 2020 program. The results of the mandate, technically, are Good. But it is the work of a team of elected officials, agents, services and also structures and associations with which the town hall works. »

On the other hand, “There is no question of launching into an early campaign with a mayor whose resignation we have been demanding for almost 2 years and who has just ousted one of our colleagues without any real justification. It would not have been consistent, absolutely impossible. Yes, however, he did not expect our departure from the majority.” The five new deputies elected Monday among the 35 faithful of Gaël Perdriau have not yet seen their functions assigned (which can be done by order without going to council). In the meantime, in Saint-Etienne, there are no longer any assistants for public peace and cleanliness, health (in full deployment of the famous cancer plan), traffic/mobility, local democracy and community life or even education/youth. Not even to mention four delegations allocated to the four departing advisors. Not enough to relieve the daily lives of the services and their agents, already impacted by a storm whose gusts have followed gusts for 22 months.

More than one pitfall on the way

“Even if he deprives himself of solid experience, things will not suddenly stop in this area. Many projects are on track, underway and we can count on their professionalismtemper the elected officials of Saint-Etienne Avant Tout. But yes, that does nothing to improve the terrible climate of suffering they are experiencing.” It is likely that the three remaining LR members of Saint-Etienne Avant Tout – Nicole Peycelon, Claude Liogier and Robert Karulak – will see the suspension procedure of their party threatening them fall back. The soufflé “never made us tremble”, however, recall those concerned who insist on the pluralism of their group, counting in its “non-aligned” and centrist ranks. Pluralism is the complete opposite of Gaël Perdriau’s state of mind, they say with one voice. “Loyalty to a project does not mean submission to a leader. We are subjected to the exercise of a very rigid power, stifling free will”says precisely Paul Corrieras, former deputy for participatory democracy, whose meeting with the mayor consisted, for him, of carrying out “an assessment and the proposal to leave with him”.

Loyalty to a project does not mean submission to a boss. We experience the exercise of very rigid power, stifling free will .

Paul Corrieras, former deputy for participatory democracy

“Saint-Etienne above all” does he imagine that among the 35 remaining faithful to Gaël Perdriau, some will end up joining them? “No, what happened at the beginning of the week seems very clear. Now, if someone were to contact us, we will listen to them…” We will also have to listen carefully and take the time between political groups in the event of a common desire and the entire opposition to resign. For the left, it would also be necessary, “beforehand, ensure that all of the 2020 electoral lists (61 people) are in agreement”, notes Olivier Longeon (Le Temps de l’école) who confirms to us this Thursday, like Isabelle Dumestre (Saint-Etienne Demain) the day before, that the subject will be addressed at the start of the school year. Probably not the most difficult obstacle to overcome. More complicated, however: the relevance of going to the campaign hastily (the election should take place within 3 months following the resignation).

And therefore, in the event of victory, for a party which is not currently in power, to have to return to the polls in 2026 after having served only one year in office in a context of generalized budgetary tension… Another pitfall: a A possible election would probably give rise to four major blocs: two on the right; that of the left, at least if it managed to leave united and the RN… With the game of triangulars on 2e turn (it will take 10% of the votes cast on the 1stis to be), there would perhaps be more for both parties to lose than to gain from launching into early elections. In short, if it involves pressing a nuclear button… The next municipal council of Saint-Etienne will take place on September 30. We will know more by then. Perhaps even in the weeks following the legislative elections.


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