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Thunderstorms expected this weekend in Lorraine: “The equivalent of a month of rain could fall”


Paul-Emile Bouchy

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 1:25 p.m.

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In Lorraine, the sun (finally) shone for several consecutive days, and you were able to enjoy summer temperatures. This parenthesis was short-lived, because a violent stormy episode is expected next weekend.

We take stock of the forecasts and the risks of rain with Florian Pasiecznik, founder of the Météo Lor’ site.

A risk of thunderstorms this Thursday evening

After a start to the week with high temperatures, the weather will change from this THURSDAY. “At the end of the afternoon and early evening, there may be local thunderstorms. The eastern half of the region will be more affected,” says Florian Pasiecznik. Like around fifty departments, Lorraine is also placed on yellow alert today by Météo France.

This will impact the day of Friday. “If the day will be rather calm in terms of precipitation, there will be more wind and a drop in temperatures which will be between 24 and 26°C,” he declares.

Heavy rain due to a ‘cold drop’

While temperatures will rise on Saturday and approach 30°C, a stormy episode will affect Lorraine in the evening and night. ” A goutte froide will cross France and head towards Germany, reports Mr. Pasiecznik. This phenomenon is an area of ​​bad weather that circulates randomly. As it passes over the region, it will destabilize the air mass.”

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According to him, there could be “ potentially very strong thunderstorms” during the night from Saturday to Sunday : “Heavy rainfall is expected. In the Northern Vosges and Hautes-Vosges, it could fall locally between 70 and 80 mm of rain, the equivalent of what usually falls between three weeks and a month« .

“The closer we are to the reliefs, the greater the precipitation will be,” adds the expert. In the plains, 15 to 30 mm of rain are expected locally.

Lorraine on orange alert?

The accumulations being significant, runoff and possible flooding could occur in the region, according to Florian Pasiecznik.

In its latest storm forecast bulletin, Météo France specifies that “the risk of violent storms will affect many regions. It is more marked initially in the southwest then in the northeast at the end of the day. Under these storms, significant rainfall intensities, hail and gusty winds are possible.” The probability that the Lorraine and Alsatian departments will be on orange alert on Saturday is 80%.

Sunday, if the precipitation will be less, the mercury will drop drastically. ” In the early afternoon, temperatures will not exceed 15°C« , conclut M.Pasiecznik.

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