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towards a reduction in the household waste collection tax – News

During the last community council before the holidays, during which a large place was given to the financial situation of the agglomeration which is improving, the executive announced a possible reduction in the TEOM.

Management account, administrative account, main budget, additional budget, annex: there was a lot of talk about finances on Wednesday during the last community council of Nîmes Métropole before the holidays. During this marathon session of almost three hours, 65 of the 108 points on the agenda were devoted to this theme.

It is clear from reading the 2023 administrative account that operating revenues have increased at a rate that is lower than that of revenues. Gross savings are estimated at €54 million while debt has been stabilized at €494 million, i.e. a ratio of 8.1 years, well below the limits imposed by the regulations.

If the executive is satisfied with its management, it calls for caution in a rather unstable context. “The recovery in control of our finances from 2020 and the significant inflection that we have brought to the deviations observed confirm the recovery visible for two years. However, we must not relax the seriousness with which we manage Nîmes Métropole. Let’s be clear, it’s an effort every day, from every elected official, from every department. declared Franck Proust in his introductory speech, subsequently announcing that he could soon announce good news, in particular on the subject of the household waste collection tax.

Between the initial 2024 budget and the supplementary budget, expenditure on waste management fell by €2.2 million. We owe this to the new price of the public service delegation but also to the reduction in the tonnage of waste incinerated, a consequence of the good sorting habits adopted by users. On behalf of the Ensemble pour Nîmes Métropole group, Eddy Valadier, the mayor of Saint-Gilles suggested the establishment of a group which would study the rate of household waste removal. He was joined in his reflection by Vincent Bouget, the president of the left-wing group. “It is important to maintain our investments to continue to improve the quality of service”said Franck Proust who does not close the door. “It is normal that the taxpayer also recovers the price of the efforts he makes. An evaluation is underway »continued the president of the Agglo who plans to announce a reduction in the TEOM at the start of the school year.

F. P.


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