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Denise Toros-Marter, survivor of Auschwitz, calls for blocking the RN in the legislative elections

Two days before the legislative elections, Marseillaise Denise Toros-Marter, survivor of Auschwitz, calls for a barrier against the National Rally.

“The story stutters,” worries Denise Toros-Marter. This 96-year-old Marseillaise, survivor of Auschwitz and president of the Amicale des Déportés d’Auschwitz Marseille-Provence, calls for blocking the National Rally in the legislative elections.

“It’s very worrying because we experienced what the extreme right was, fascism and in particular the occupation of Nazi troops. It’s a new beginning. We say to ourselves that it was of no use lesson. The French have short memories, history stutters”, explains the woman who was deported at 16 and dedicated her life to the memory of the Shoah at the microphone of BFM Marseille Provence.

Serge Klarsfeld’s statements denounced

The nonagenarian also spoke about Serge Klarsfeld’s recent statements. The lawyer and “Nazi hunter” assured that he would vote for the RN in the event of a duel with La France insoumise in an interview with LCI on June 15.

“For a person like Serge Klarsfeld to make statements like this, I tell myself that the world is turned upside down.” Denise Toros-Marter considers that the National Rally is “more watered down” but retains “smacks of anti-ism and xenophobia”.

Last week, Ginette Kolinka, another Auschwitz survivor, also disapproved of Serge Klarsfeld’s position.

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