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New logo for a new SIG Strasbourg

SIG unveils new logo for a new era

Credit : SIG Club

He had not not changed in ten years. The SIG basketball club has just revealed the new team logo for the next season which will welcomeother news. It was designed around the animal symbol of Alsace: the stork. A combination of three colors was also created between the rougethe blanc et l’or to represent the Strasbourg coat of arms. Matt Humility participated in thedevelopment of this emblem. For the new season, he announced the arrival of new merchandising on the club website from July 2After the liquidation of the current collection of derivative products.

NBA Inspirations

The club wanted a brand new identity. « Our old logo was a bit basic with a basketball and the SIG name. I always looked at the NBA where the mascot is represented on the logo. We therefore wanted to integrate our stork “, asserted Matt Pokora, club shareholder. The stork was eventually adopted as the ball’s protective animal, with a fierce look et intensive. With this logo, “the SIG team is clearly plus identifiable.

Shapes and colors

The logo has been reflected in every detail. The typography of “ Strasbourg ” is called Alsacethe triangle means the force et the balance between communities : Strasbourg et Illkirch-Graffenstaden. The colors were also chosen carefully since l’or, the rouge and the blanc remind them coat of arms of Strasbourg. “I’m there particularly attachedI myself have the coat of arms tattooed on my calf“, says Matt Pokora.

The new logo is already on the streets of Strasbourg

Changes from the start of the school year

Matt Pokora also affirmed during a press conference that new things will be made for the start of the school year. The actors of the animations and some pre-matches will change for the 2024-2025 season. “ I really wanted us to have people from Strasbourg, from the region, who were involved in doing the activities. I want those who lead to have a heart that beats to the rhythm of the people of Strasbourg and this club. “, adds the shareholder. Among the new animations, the emphasis will be on the production of pre-match videos to put the audience in the mood. “We will also soon have a sound identity, with an anthem that we can sing before every match“, promethium Matt Pokora.


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