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adoption of the new local town planning plan

The Municipal Council of the city of Saint-Pierre was held on June 25, 2024 at 5 p.m. It examined 73 cases including one deliberation which received particular attention: the revision of the Local Urban Plan (PLU). The matter was unanimously approved by the assembly. We publish below the press release from the city of Saint-Pierre. (Photo: city of Saint-Pierre)

Originally, the last PLU of the Municipality of Saint-Pierre was approved by the deliberation of October 26, 2005 – Case no. 45/2632.

On December 16, 2018 (case 43/2178), the council decided to create an Eco-PLU and launched all the necessary consultations.

However, on July 22, 2021 (case no. 11/509) the Council repealed the aforementioned deliberation prescribing the creation of an Eco-PLU and it fully resumed the procedure for revising the PLU and reopened public consultation.

On June 25, 2024, the Council definitively approved the revision of the PLU (case 33/52).

– General summary of the PLU –

The new PLU of June 25 is sized to meet a housing need over the period (2023-2035), i.e. 12 years.

The municipality should have around 100,000 inhabitants in 2035 (i.e. the contribution of 14,000 inhabitants). To accommodate this new population and enable the maintenance of current residents, the PLU identifies a need for approximately 11,500 additional housing units (including 4,600 social housing units) over the creation and rehabilitation period, i.e. 965 housing units per year.

The PLU provides for a total of 103 hectares of urban extension, including 48 hectares dedicated to the extension of residential areas.

New zones are created: U (urban), AU (areas to be urbanized), A (agricultural zones) and N (natural and forest zones).

A new written regulation is prescribed.

Zones U and AU represent 30.5% and zones A and N represent 69.5% of the total space of the municipality.

An important point to note is that the effort to moderate the consumption of natural agricultural and forest areas is estimated at 44% compared to the period (2011-2021).

Finally, the PLU identifies 25 sectoral Development and Programming Guidelines (OAP) in sectors requiring development, restructuring or development. They make it possible to set in particular the development principles in terms of traffic, parking, urban and landscape integration, location and purpose of future constructions.

News from Reunion Island, municipal council, Saint-Pierre


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