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Legislative elections: around thirty local elected officials support Fadila Khattabi

On June 26, 2024, Fadila Khattabi, outgoing MP and Minister responsible for Disabled People and the Elderly, received the support of more than thirty local elected officials a few days before the legislative elections scheduled for June 30 and July 7. In a particularly tense political context, these elected officials, representing various political horizons, are calling to vote for Khattabi, emphasizing his commitment and his proximity to the citizens of the 3rd constituency of Côte-d’Or.

Mobilization beyond parties

The signatories, including notable political figures such as François Patriat, senator and former president of the Burgundy region, and François Rebsamen, mayor of Dijon and president of the Metropolis, highlight the importance of overcoming partisan divisions to support an application that they consider sincere and credible. According to them, Khattabi embodies the best option to represent this diverse territory, made up of a metropolis, peri-urban municipalities and the rural Dijon Plain.

An assessment and a program serving everyone

Local elected officials welcome Khattabi’s record, as well as the actions she took as a deputy and minister. Accompanied by her deputy, François Deseille, Khattabi was able, according to them, to remain attentive to the needs of residents and elected officials in the constituency. Its program, described as dynamic and adapted to realities on the ground, is seen as an effective response to local challenges.

An authentic campaign

The Khattabi countryside is described as “beautiful”, like the towns and villages in the constituency. The signatories insist on the need to be wary of unrealistic electoral promises and candidacies disconnected from local issues. They plead for a responsible approach to issues of access to health, employment, purchasing power, mobility, security and education.

A call for unity

The signatories call for unity around Khattabi and the values ​​of liberty, equality and fraternity. They invite voters in the 3rd constituency of Côte-d’Or to make a thoughtful choice and to support a candidacy capable of meeting the concrete needs of their fellow citizens.

List of signatories:

  1. François PATRIAT, senator, former minister and former president of the Burgundy region

  2. François SAUVADET, former minister, president of the Côte-d’Or Departmental Council

  3. François REBSAMEN, mayor of Dijon and president of the Metropolis

  4. Laurent GRANDGUILLAUME, former deputy for Côte-d’Or

  5. Jean ESMONIN, former mayor of Chenôve and former deputy

  6. Gilles BRACHOTTE, mayor of Thorey-en-Plaine

  7. Patrick MORELIÈRE, mayor of Arc-sur-Tille

  8. Jean-Pierre COLOMBERT, mayor of Cessey-sur-Tille

  9. Martial PARIZOT, mayor of Izeure

  10. Dominique JANIN, mayor of Aiserey

  11. Hubert SAUVAIN, mayor of Rouvres-en-Plaine

  12. Guy MORELLE, mayor of Bessey-les-Citeaux

  13. Jean-Marie FERREUX, mayor of Marliens

  14. Françoise TENENBAUM, vice-president of the Metropolis

  15. Marie-Hélène JUILLARD-RANDRIAN, Vice-President of the Metropolis

  16. Danielle JUBAN, vice-president of the Metropolis

  17. Pascal GRAPPIN, regional advisor and president of the UDI Côte-d’Or

  18. Marie-Thérèse PUGLIESE, departmental councilor of Côte-d’Or

  19. Florence BIZOT, deputy mayor of Longvic

  20. Marien LOVICHI, deputy mayor of Dijon

  21. Kildine BATAILLE, deputy mayor of Dijon

  22. Jean-Philippe MOREL, deputy mayor of Dijon

  23. Vincent TESTORI, delegated municipal councilor of Dijon

  24. Stéphanie VACHEROT, delegated municipal councilor of Dijon

  25. Ludmila MONTEIRO, councilor of Dijon

  26. Philippe THIRION, municipal councilor of Dijon

  27. Catherine DU TERTRE, municipal councilor of Dijon

  28. Claire VUILLEMIN, municipal councilor of Dijon

  29. Yves STURM, municipal councilor of Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur

  30. Jacques PROST, former mayor of Longchamp

  31. Martine BLIGNY, former mayor of Chambeire

  32. Ghislaine POIVRE, former mayor of Pluvet

  33. André CHEVREL, former mayor of Labergement-Foigney

  34. Yvette ROUSSEAU, former mayor of Collonges-les-Premières

Contact : Elected officials, you would like to join Fadila Khattabi’s dynamic: [email protected]

The unanimous support and mobilization of local elected officials illustrate a common desire to continue working for the well-being of the residents of the 3rd constituency of Côte-d’Or under the leadership of Fadila Khattabi.


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