DayFR Euro

Jean-Marc Soubeste, “the candidate of rupture”

Place Publique, Socialist Party, Ecologists, Communist Party, La France Insoumise and Génération S immediately gathered in La Rochelle the day after the Europeans, designating Jean-Marc Soubeste as their sole candidate, “ even before the “New Popular Front » was formed at the national level. Her substitute being Sabine Cointet, “a woman committed through her work in social affairs, childhood, the elderly and precarious people, also very invested in culture”.

“We have every chance of winning, we are not at all in the configuration of 2022, where a PS candidate was facing my candidacy, our positioning is clearer. »

“Major social issues”

“Societal issues are major, there is a deep risk of having a far-right government. For my part, I will bring commitments of rupture to the National Assembly.”

Increase in purchasing power with a minimum wage of €1,600 net, abandonment of unemployment insurance reforms, repeal of the pension reform, rent control and regulation of furnished tourist accommodation are part of these commitments, as well as working to equality between men and women, particularly in pay, with 2.8 billion investments to fight against sexist and sexual violence.

Repairing public services, primarily health, by investing massively in the public hospital, investing in education with a salary increase, the training and recruitment of teachers, the reform of Parcours Sup, complete the candidate’s program .

The New Popular Front wishes to establish a youth autonomy allowance, act to eliminate pesticides and for biodiversity, urgently recognize the Palestinian state and demand a ceasefire to build peace in Israel and in Palestine.

As he mentioned in 2022, if he is elected Jean-Marc Soubeste intends to create a constituency assembly for “train, inform and debate projects and proposed laws. »

“On the housing side, we need to work on second homes in our territory, succeed in capturing these vacant homes for a large part of the year, participate in energy recovery, thus facilitating year-round housing for employees. »

“The defense of public service is also strongly expressed at the local level, such as the EHPAD of Saint-Martin, the hospital of La Rochelle, the post offices, this worries the population to be increasingly isolated in their daily lives, everything digital is sidelining part of the population. »

“We need to provide local services, the land use planning policy launched in the 1990s was in favor of the metropolises, without measuring the effects on peripheral areas, this created desertification, accentuated by liberal policies. »

“Create a climate ISF”

All these measures have a cost, how does the New Popular Front intend to finance them? Our GDP is high, it is necessary to rebalance wealth through another tax policy, with greater progressiveness of the tax on the upper classes, we must reintroduce taxation as a public policy tool and create a climate ISF on the great fortunes , the proceeds of which will be used to renovate housing. We must also transfer part of the profits of very large companies to the local economic fabric and revitalize purchasing power. »

In terms of ecology “the issues are very important, linked to health with a rapid exit from pesticides, the preservation of air quality, but also the question of the coastline and its coastline, the department and particularly the Ile de Ré have invested in the dike plan, to give themselves time, but we need real foresight on a national scale. »

In terms of energy, Jean-Marc Soubeste wants priority to be given to energy production as locally as possible; he is in favour of wind farms off the coast and islands of Charente-Maritime, but outside Natura 2000 zones: “This is the environmental red line, we have to see how we distribute the cost between the territory, the communities, the national level. We must develop floating offshore wind power. »

A launch on the same wavelength

During the launch meeting in Lagord on June 20, in front of a hundred people, a local representative from each of the components of this New Popular Front spoke on a theme, after Antoine Grau, mayor of Lagord, said he believed in “ the ability to bring together » of this Popular Front: “In the storm, we must stick together and forget our differences. »

Bertrand Elise (Place Publique) spoke about the Macronie “ at the end of the race » and the “ political chaos that awaits us with an RN in relative majority. » Véronique Bonnet (LFI) recalled “ the 150 proposals of the NFP, a real breakthrough program “, the need to defend public service “ a shield against poverty “, the “destructive reform of the Shock of Knowledge in National Education. » As to “ How much does it cost ? », she wanted to discuss the creation of Social Security in 1945, of which “The financing was built afterwards. Accountants save neither the climate nor society. »

Titouan Nico (PCF) spoke of the two hundred thousand nursery places that the NFP intends to create and its desire to fight for a fairer society, particularly for youth.

Maryline Simonnet (PS) spoke of the double challenge of blocking the RN at the national level: “In the history of France, we know what the FN brings “, and at the local level to commit to a social and ecological policy: “ The left only wins when it is united. » Océane Mariel and Jean-Marc Soubeste (Ecologists), spoke about what brings together the parties making up the NFP and castigated Olivier Falorni, “the deputy of the presidential majority. Transparency never harms democracy, we must protect and restore confidence, we have the energy necessary for victory. »


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