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How Morocco wants to invest in the care economy to make it a lever for development

L’care economy constitutes a springboard for achieving the objectives of the development model, since it contributes to ensuring healthy living conditions for individuals within their family environment, said Tuesday in Salé, the Minister of Health and Protection social, Khalid Aït Taleb.

Speaker at the opening of the work of the first international conference on the care economy and social protection, organized under the theme “Care economy and social protection: pillar of the empowerment of women, Job creation a you family well-being“, Mr. Aït Taleb stressed that the care economy also allows individuals to strengthen their opportunities to enter the labor market and contribute to economic growth.

Economic development is closely linked to the health of individuals and society in general, he said, noting that the health sector contributes to the increase in gross domestic product, employment and productivity. In this sense, the minister noted that Morocco is committed to the implementation of the development model whose contours have been traced by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, according to a perspective nourished by the positive accumulations recorded since the accession of the Sovereign to the Throne. Mr. Aït Taleb underlined, in this regard, the importance of considering the health system as a producer of employment opportunities, not only in terms of medical and paramedical care, but also through a range of care professions which require health training. Care professions “have become an urgent necessity, such as daily living assistants, home therapy assistants and school life assistants, who are now essential to achieve the goals of the treatment and care pathway. medical care“, he argued. As a result, Mr. Aït Taleb reaffirmed the permanent availability of the health sector to contribute to the care economy and work for the coordination of visions and efforts in order to advance these professions, as an essential element for the generalization of health coverage and the implementation of the social protection project, in accordance with the High Royal Instructions. Consequently, the minister called for the structuring and supervision of care services and professions so that they contribute significantly to family cohesion, noting that this Conference constitutes a suitable opportunity to benefit from successful experiences in terms of integration of this category of women into the economy.

Placed under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, this two-day international conclave is organized by the Ministry of Solidarity, Social Inclusion and Family in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the Ministry of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Skills, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication and the Arab League. This event constitutes an opportunity for reflection in order to mobilize collective intelligence and build an integrated system of the care economy through the exchange of experiences and knowledge.

The work of the Conference will also enrich the debate around several challenges, namely the identification of economic activities relating to the care economy, the economic empowerment of women, the legal framework relating to paid care professions and unpaid and the roles of social workers.


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