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Beautiful and well: a beauty and well-being workshop for women with cancer opens at Orléans University Hospital


Orleans editorial team

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June 25, 2024 at 4:16 p.m.

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Friday June 21, 2024, the Belle et Bien association inaugurated its first educational workshop onco-aesthetic advice and care at the Orléans University Hospital Center (Loiret). This project is dedicated to women undergoing treatment for cancer.

Supported by the Dior and Guerlain houses, and with the support of LVMH Recherche, Belle et Bien is the oldest association French company created at the initiative of the cosmetics sector. “Numerous scientific studies attest to the benefits of beauty treatments in helping patients to better cope with cancer treatments and to reconcile themselves with their image,” indicates the association.

“Taking care of yourself is therapy”

For more than 20 yearsBelle & Bien works in healthcare establishments thanks to the help of nearly 120 beauty professional volunteers.

“Taking care of yourself is therapy,” explains Guillaume Adam, general delegate of Belle et Bien. “Beauty treatments help combat the visible but also invisible effects of cancer, better accept medical care and to fight psychologically against the disease. Beauty influences life, happiness and self-confidence. »

The educational workshops, lasting two hours, are structured in two phases: hydration and makeup. They understand seven steps of care and advice delivered by volunteer onco-estheticians, helping women to regain a positive self-image and reclaim their bodies.

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Creation of a regional committee

At the end of each workshopa kit of care products and a “So Doux” guide, the first free guide dedicated to the well-being of participants, are given to participants to extend these moments of well-being at home.

At the same time, the association will strengthen its local actionby creating its first regional committee in Centre-Val de Loire, chaired by Nathalie Renaudeau, Director of Human Resources at LVMH Research.

Workshops are already organized in partnership with the Blois Hospital Center, the Blois polyclinic and at the Sisley Spa at the Fleur de Loire Hotel.

In 20 years, Belle et Bien has accompanied 41,000 women in 51 sites partners across France.

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