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A great end to the season for the Kemperlé Badminton club

The Lanester tournament, Sunday June 23, was the occasion of a great first. “For the first time, BCK won the two table 1 singles,” explains coach Quentin Tuaillon. The feat was achieved by Eliott Lieutier on the men’s side and Malvy Pelleter on the women’s side after a final against Mélanie Petiot.

Other Quimperlois distinguished themselves: Florian Le Gall, finalist in singles 4, Raphaëlle Morvenzen and Carole Thierry, finalists in ladies’ doubles 4, Stéphane Rolland and Émilie Picard, finalists in mixed 5, Victor Lalaite and Bourdon Sara, winners in mixed face to Leya Gueyne and Olivier Morvenzen, Mailyss Paugam and Chloé Guibal, winners in women’s doubles 3.

A raid by young people

At Relecq-Kerhuon, BCK won almost all the titles with the youngest Lumen Bihan, the chick Lucas Tallec, the youngest Louka Bihan, the junior Ethan Tallec and the cadet Raphaël Le Teuff. Others arrived in the final like the youngest upgraded to junior Margot Corne, the chick Côme Dorangeville, the youngest Antoine Kern. “These results validate the work of the young people throughout the season and especially at the end of the year where we did not stop training in June,” explains Quentin Tuaillon who will see Louka Bihan travel to Bourges this week for the detection of the best French chicks.

The BCK is now preparing the Kerjouanneau parent-child tournament, on July 6 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., and the Flying Tuesdays and Thursdays organized during the holidays.


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