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This is the most influential Moroccan city

According to the latest annual report “Global Cities Index 2024” from Oxford Economics, Casablanca is the most influential Moroccan city. It occupies 442nd place in the ranking of the most influential metropolises on the planet. The white city owes this place to its dynamism and its ability to attract foreign investment, but also to its numerous modern infrastructures, its strategic port and its diversified network of companies which contribute to its competitiveness. Casablanca also rises to 287th place in terms of human capital, notably thanks to its young and dynamic population and its abundant workforce. Regarding the quality of the environment, the economic capital occupies 225th place in the world. But it is falling in terms of quality of life, positioning itself at 713th place in the ranking.

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Rabat, the administrative capital, takes 504th place in the ranking of the most influential metropolises on the planet. It ranks 156th in terms of environment and occupies 486th place in the ranking of human capital and 742nd place in terms of quality of life. Tangier is positioned in 631st place. It takes 130th place in terms of environment. On the other hand, Tangier falls, occupying 727th place in terms of human capital and 717th place in terms of quality of life. Marrakech is positioned at 670th place in the ranking of the most influential metropolises on the planet. The ocher city takes 441st place in terms of environment and 702nd place in terms of quality of life. Fez and Meknes respectively occupy 684th and 727th places in the ranking of the most influential metropolises on the planet.

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To develop its ranking, Oxford Economics analyzed 1,000 cities around the world.


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