DayFR Euro

An investigation involving a notary and his collaborator was opened in Agen

the essential
A notary from Port-Sainte-Marie has just been indicted, among other things, for crimes of forgery in public documents and embezzlement of public funds. His partner and collaborator was also summoned to court for complicity.

This June 21, a notary from Port-Sainte-Marie as well as his partner and collaborator were presented to the investigating judge of the Agen judicial court, “after a long-term preliminary investigation carried out by the detachment in Agen of the Section of Bordeaux research seized by the public prosecutor of Agen and conducted under the direction of the magistrates of the public prosecutor of Agen”, indicates in a press release from the public prosecutor of Agen, Olivier Naboulet.

Prohibition to exercise

“The investigating judge, seized upon introductory indictment from the Agen public prosecutor’s office, indicted the first for the crimes of forgery in public or authentic writing by a person charged with a public service mission, use of this forgery, in addition to the offenses of embezzlement of public funds, banking transactions carried out on a regular basis by a person other than a credit institution, breach of trust by a public or ministerial officer and aggravated money laundering,” continues the prosecutor.

As for his partner, upon requisitions to this effect, she was indicted for her complicity in the crimes committed.

In particular, they are prohibited from appearing in the municipality of Port-Sainte-Marie and prohibited from carrying out any activity as a notary or notary’s clerk, such as that of directing, administering, managing or controlling in any capacity, directly or directly an industrial, commercial enterprise or a civil society. They will also have to post security deposits.


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