DayFR Euro

Housing crisis: intergenerational cohabitation soon in Lot-et-Garonne

The Local Mission of Agenais organized, Friday June 14, at the Digital Campus in Agen, a presentation of the concept of intergenerational cohabitation in the form of a play followed by a debate. A concept which must contribute to the fight against the isolation of elderly people.

The voluntary exchange between two people, one aged over 60 and independent, the other under 30, has been perfectly regulated, since 2018, by the Élan law and governed by a contract. The principle of this form of shared housing provides the senior with a reassuring presence and the young person with accommodation with an enriching social bond. Each cohabitation is tailor-made according to the personalities and expectations of each person.

A single objective: mutual assistance

The friendly formula is based on a small financial compensation of around €150 / €200 monthly (non-taxable) without commitment from the young tenant who is however invited to encourage some regular moments of sharing and exchanges. Fighting against loneliness on the one hand, by strengthening one’s sense of social usefulness, and accessing affordable housing on the other, while maintaining one’s independence, constitute the challenges.

The solidarity formula goes a little further in the commitment of the young person who can provide a caring presence in the evening and also some small services. Only a very modest contribution to the charges, of the order of €50/month, is required. Please note that a tenant can benefit from this system and that the owner cannot oppose co-tenancy in this context.

Permanent support for the pair

The member structures of the national Cohabilis network guide and support the pair in its creation then ensure regular monitoring. The local Mission of Agenais, Albret and the confluence has just joined the Cohabilis network. Its Local Committee for Independent Housing for Young People (CLLAJ) led by Manon Léger will develop, from September, this concept of intergenerational cohabitation in our territory.

The public who attended the skit, remarkably performed by Pierre de Nodrest belonging to a Basque structure that has been a member of the Cohabilis network for 10 years, then the debate which followed, expressed their keen interest in the proposed formulas.

Without a doubt, a new tool in the fight against isolation and a solution for housing young people.


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