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Early legislative elections: Lola Legrand, Lutte Ouvrière candidate for the Forbach constituency

Lola Legrand is a 34-year-old teacher who has lived in the area for around ten years. After the legislative elections of 2012, 2017 and 2022, this is the fourth time that she is running with the Lutte Ouvrière party. In politics, she has been fighting for the living conditions of workers for more than 15 years.

Sound No. 1 – Early legislative elections: Lola Legrand, Lutte Ouvrière candidate for the Forbach constituency

Lola Legrand says she wants overthrow capitalism pour recreate a society in the interest of workers.

What we want to affirm with the existence of this current of workers who say that what is the current emergency is the question of salaries, retirement pensions, disability pensions, which are cut by the surge in prices, whether at the shopping cart level, or at the gas pump level, every month. Well, if we want to make heard the demands of the world of work to live with dignity, we can seize all these opportunities and make the only party that is worthy heard, namely the one which brings together the interests of all workers against the big ones. bosses and the big bourgeoisie in society.

If the candidate obtains a seat in the National Assembly, she wishes to be there whistleblower of the working world.

If there were revolutionary workers’ deputies in the National Assembly, well what we could do there at least is to make known all the political shenanigans being prepared against the workers. For example, unveil plans against pensions, against unemployment insurance, against wages which are much too low. These political shenanigans, these laws which are anti-worker laws, they are prepared every day by the politicians of the National Assembly.

“Workers make everything run in society”

She wishes relay the voice and point of view of workers. The biggest problem at the local level:

It’s about making ends meet, and they are becoming more and more difficult and complicated. On this, I think that no election, not the one to the National Assembly, nor the others will change the situation for the workers. And what we must prepare for is social struggles, demonstrations, strikes. Reconnect with the awareness that workers make everything happen in society and therefore they can change it if they mobilize in their own interests and attack the right people responsible. The good leaders are the big bosses.

In 2022, Lola Legrand obtained 1.12% of the votes in the first round for the constituency of Forbach.


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