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Présence rural 48 relies on team cohesion to instill a new dynamic

The institutional meetings took place in October in Marvejols, Langogne, Saint-Chély-d'Apcher and Mende.

In a sector where human relations are at the heart of missions, team cohesion is a key factor in guaranteeing the quality of services provided to beneficiaries. Recently, several institutional meetings were organized to strengthen this dynamic among the employees of Présence rurale 48.

Initiated by its president, Michel Vieilledent, and its director, Vanessa Carcenac, four institutional meetings have been scheduled for October, in Marvejols, Langogne, Saint-Chély-d'Apcher and Mende.

Bringing together all the players

The main objective was to bring together all the actors of the association whatever the position occupied (home worker, caregiver, sector manager, social worker, secretary or even accountant, etc.), to promote the place of each person in the organization of the association, to recall the objectives and activities of Rural Presence 48.

Recent meetings also provided an opportunity to take stock of the challenges facing these professionals, while emphasizing the importance of maintaining fluid communication and constant mutual support within teams and with management.

“The importance of communication”

In order to combat isolation, the director announced the establishment of regular moments of exchange between teams to promote solidarity and the enrichment of professional experiences.

Vanessa Carcenac underlines “the importance of communication, availability and transparency which are the guarantors of well-being at work, skills development, professional and personal development, as well as the achievement of objectives in a secure environment and reassuring”.

Solidarity and support

These meetings are just the beginning. The objective is now to make these exchanges long-term, by planning regular meetings to maintain this dynamic. According to the president, Michel Vieilledent, the objective is for each professional to feel supported and valued.

Team cohesion in the home help sector in Présence rural 48 is not a secondary objective, but a fundamental lever for improving the quality of life at work for professionals and the quality of services provided to users.

These institutional meetings made it possible to lay the foundations of a new, more collaborative dynamic. For employees, the future seems to be looking more positive, where solidarity and mutual support will be the strength of the association.


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