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Legislative. Nathalie Charruau for the union of the right and the center in Compiègne-Noyon

Nathalie Charruau will be the candidate of the right and the center in the constituency Compiègne-Thourotte-Noyon to legislative. It is supported by the following parties: New Energy for France, The Centrists, Positive Ecology and The Republicans.

The 54-year-old from Compiégnoise (in a few days) wants to “propose an alternative to the Macronists, the far left and the far right,” she says. “The President of the Republic dissolved the National Assembly to put the National Rally to the test. He had neglected the danger of the far left in power.”

She says she differs from Daniel Leca (UDI), who should have the candidacy of the presidential majority (see below). “We are a right that does not want to give in to macronism,” she says.

“At 17, I was frustrated because I couldn’t vote”

From the age of 17, she campaigned for Jacques Chirac during his re-election in the Paris municipal elections in 1987. “It was frustrating because I couldn’t vote,” she remembers. Nathalie Charruau arrived in Compiègne twenty-five years ago. Since then, she says she has remained at the service of her “political family”. She cites the campaign of Nicolas Sarkozy in the 2007 presidential election, those of François-Michel Gonnot in 2007 and 2012, the victorious regional elections of Xavier Bertrand in 2015…

A civil service executive, she worked at the Compiègne remand prison for ten years as director of human resources. “I took care of management, security, inmate accounts…” she lists. She was then part of the steering committee for the closure of Compiègne prison in 2015.

From the Maréchaux district to Compiègne

Then, she moved to the Directorate of Judicial Youth Protection, in conjunction with the office of the Minister of Justice. In 2019, she joined the Île-de-France Regional Health Agency. “Currently, I am a civil service executive, concerning psychological care without consent,” she said. A lot of people are mentally ill.” She chairs the Neighborhood Local Interest Committee (CILC) of Compiègne M, for the Maréchaux district.

She will officially announce her candidacy on Tuesday June 18 at 2:30 p.m. at Léonidas in Compiègne.

On the center-right, Nathalie Charruau should be in competition with another Compiègnois, Daniel Leca (UDI), vice-president of Hauts-de-France where he sits in Xavier Bertrand’s team, and municipal councilor in Compiègne. It should represent the presidential majority.

They will face them Michel Guiniot (RN) outgoing deputy and Baptiste de Fresse de Monval (EELV) for the New Popular Front as well as a Lutte Ouvrière candidate.

On the other hand, there should not be a Debout La France candidate (Nicolas Dupont Aignan), its rare local activists having been invested in other constituencies.


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