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Fribourg: A participatory fresco at the Botzet school

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The artist Robin Braendli was asked to create a permanent participatory fresco at the Botzet school, on the theme of the playground. The children imagine and synthesize their ideas. The result extends over 22 meters.

The fresco measures approximately 1.50 m high and 22 m long. © Thomas Delley

The fresco measures approximately 1.50 m high and 22 m long. © Thomas Delley

Published on 06/16/2024

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

Tree houses, a huge football field, rainbow slides. At the Botzet primary school in Fribourg, a mural is gradually coming to life under the supervision of Friborg artist Robin Braendli. 22 meters long and 1.5 meters high, the work was created by the designer from drawings by children at the school. “I had carte blanche, and I decided to choose the imaginary playground as a theme,” he explains. A broad and simple theme, likely to reach children from 1H to 8H. In total, 350 children from 18 different classes are participating in the project. The students drew their ideas, which Robin Braendli collected, then synthesized and adapted in his style. He then drew the outlines, and the children filled them in. “Like a sort of XXL coloring book,” the artist imagines. For him, the project, financed by the Department for Children, Schools and Social Cohesion, is a success: “The goal was to rediscover this creativity, that children dare to express themselves through their imagination. And it’s a successful bet.”

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