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How Jean-Luc Mélenchon caused the union to sway to the left to impose his authority

DECRYPTION – While most of the “rebellious” LFI deputies were excluded from the nominations, the rest of the left denounced a “purge” of the leader of the Insoumis. Enough to damage the newly formed New Popular Front.

Everything was much too quiet. Which is never a good sign with Jean-Luc Mélenchon. When they listened to the head of LFI on “20 Heures” on France 2 on Wednesday assuring that he did not would not impose » as prime minister, many left-wing leaders nevertheless believed in it. Finally, faced with the risk of the RN, the former presidential candidate would have agreed to take a step aside. Finally, he would have resigned himself to withdrawing so as not to fuel the rumor that he would secretly control this New Popular Front. Many also praised him for refusing to participate in a televised debate between Gabriel Attal and Jordan Bardella. He was fair », rejoiced an elected environmentalist. Jean-Luc Mélenchon was not present at the House of Chemistry on Friday during the first big gathering with all the active forces of the union. His name wasn’t mentioned once, nor did he appear in the big family photo. A page seemed to be turned.

“It’s terribly violent”


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