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Five cultural activities to celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day

As National Indigenous Peoples Day approaches on June 21, here are five events not to be missed this week to celebrate Indigenous culture in Ottawa and Gatineau.

Émilie Monnet comes to read Marguerite: fire at Place Laval

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Indigenous artist Émilie Monnet offers a reading of her work “Marguerite: le feu”.

Photo: Courtesy of Les Herbes Rouges/Katya Konioukhova

Playwright and actress of Anishinabe and French origin Émilie Monnet will read extracts from her play in front of an audience Marguerite: fire, published by Herbes Rouges last year. The evening will be hosted by the artistic director of the French Theater of the National Arts Center (NAC), Mani Soleymanlou.

Marguerite: fire is inspired by the true story of Marguerite Duplessis, an indigenous woman reduced to slavery in New France in the 1700s. Émilie Monnet, who grew up in the region, received this year’s literary prize Jacques-Poirier for this text.

Or? Place Laval, Hull sector

When? Wednesday June 19, from 8 p.m.

Price : Free

The exhibition Shelley Niro: 500 years of reflection At NGC

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Mohawk artist Shelley Niro will have a first retrospective exhibition at the National Gallery of Canada.

Photo: Courtesy of the National Gallery of Canada/Shelley Niro

The National Gallery of Canada presents a first retrospective dedicated to the multidisciplinary Mohawk artist Shelley Niro. More than 70 works, including photographs, films, paintings and mixed media, will be on display all summer.

Shelley Niro addresses various themes such as family relationships and matriarchy. Her work, deployed over four decades, notably challenges the stereotypes and clichés associated with indigenous women.

The museum also offers Pearl, radicallyan exhibition focusing on beadwork, an important contemporary Indigenous art form.

Or? National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa

When? From June 21 until August 25

Price : Between $10 and $40

Logan Staats performing

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Mohawk artist Logan Staats will perform at the National Arts Centre.

Photo: Courtesy of the National Arts Centre/Trung Hoang

As part of the Midi concerts Jukeboxthe Mohawk musician Logan Staats will perform in show instead Peter A. Herrndorf of CNA. The artist explores rage, love and healing in her folk and soul-sounding songs.

Originally from the Six Nations of the Grand River territory, in southwestern Ontario, the artist became known to the general public during the television competition The Launch has CTVwhich he won in 2018.

Or? Place Peter A. HerrndorfAt CNA

When? Thursday, June 20, from 12:10 p.m.

Price : Free

Indigenous Summer Solstice Festival

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Shows, powwows and culinary discoveries are on the program for the Summer Solstice Indigenous Festival.

Photo: Courtesy of Midsummer Aboriginal Festival/Muirs Media

Mādahòkì Farm, in Ottawa, presents the Indigenous Summer Solstice Festival. This three-day unifying event aims to celebrate Indigenous culture through a variety of shows and gourmet activities.

A traditional dinner around a long table and a luminescent powwow, to the music of the Mohawk producer DJ Shub, will be offered on June 2. An international powwow competition and drone show will also take place as part of the event.

Or? Mādahòkì Farm, in Ottawa

When? From June 21 to 23

Price : Free

Indigenous Culinary Experience at Château Laurier

Wilfrid’s restaurant at the Château Laurier in Ottawa is offering a menu created by the Inuk chef from now until Saturday Trudy Metcalfe-Coe. Originally from Nunatsiavut, in northern Labrador, she draws inspiration from her indigenous heritage to prepare her dishes, adding a modern touch.

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The meal, at a cost of $130 per guest, includes caribou tartare, arctic char and cheesecake pudding.

Or? Wilfrid’s Restaurant (1 Rideau Street, Ottawa)

When? Until Saturday, June 22

Price : $130 per person


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