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“Let’s get out of fear”: three demonstrations in Haute-Garonne against the far right

At the call of five union confederations -CFDT, CGT, Unsa, Solidaires and the FSU- and many associations, citizens are invited to march in the streets against the arrival of a far-right majority in the National Assembly and call to vote on June 30 and July 7 during the early legislative elections. In Toulouse, a demonstration took place on Monday June 10, the day after the announcement of the dissolutionbringing together thousands of people to say no to the National Rally.

“I don’t share the idea that everything is ruined”

This Saturday, civil society as a whole is being called to the streets and association leaders believe that the moment is important. “Let’s get out of fear”, advises Jean-François Mignard, president of the Human Rights League (LDH) in Haute-Garonne. He is demonstrating in Saint-Gaudens this Saturday, where the National Rally received more than 37% of the votes last Sunday in the European elections.

“I do not share the idea that everything is ruined, that there is no capacity to react, let’s get out of this kind of distressing tempo which is manipulated by our President of the Republic, let’s get out of the prophets of doom, of this atmosphere which consists of saying that society is sick, it’s done, it’s over”, underlines Jean-François Mignard.

Three events in Haute-Garonne

  • Wall : 10 a.m. Place Léon Blum
  • Saint-Gaudens : 10 a.m. Place Jean Jaurès
  • Toulouse : 2 p.m. Jean Jaurès Metro
  • In the Tarn, in Albi : 2 p.m., Place du Vigan

In Muret, regardless of the number of demonstrators, the secretary general of the local CGT Union hopes to bring together and perhaps convince the voters of the National Rally to turn away from the RN. “There is a speech from the National Rally that exists, they took words that belong to us but I would still like to point out that they voted against the increase in the minimum wage”, underlines Emmanuel Baldy. He wants to put social demands at the heart of the debate in view of the next early legislative elections.


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