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Rugby – Challenge de France R1: Monein swims in complete happiness

“This end of the season is nothing but happiness.” No doubt, for Philippe Labarère who sees his team pass with…

“This end of the season is nothing but happiness.” No doubt, for Philippe Labarère who sees his team successfully pass each stage of this perilous path in the Challenge de France.

The Moneinchonne team stood out in the second half against Ste Livrade by playing to its strengths: “It was a complete quarter-final, with good play on both sides, six tries, commitment, suspense. We showed from the start that we would be a tough team to beat. We can congratulate our conquest which stole many balls from the sidelines in the second half and allowed us to keep possession while being ahead of the score,” underlines the club president.

Monein supporters ready to push behind their heroes.

Gamaury Jean-Louis

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A bustling village

“We feel a buzz in Monein lately. The whole village is mobilizing to encourage the team, I would like to congratulate all these people who play a major role in the crucial moments of the matches, the players feel it and try to do it the best they can,” assures the manager. from the other SAM.

For this semi-final which is looming on the Ariège side, the Béarnais have not had information on the type of play of Uzès but Philippe Labarère knows that they are not there by chance. : “It will be a big fight, it looks like they have a big pack. There will be three official referees for this match and if it’s hot it could go in our favor. But no plan on the comet, we prepare normally.”


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