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Legislative elections 2024. Here are all the Lutte Ouvrière candidates in Toulouse and Haute-Garonne


William Laurens

Published on

June 14, 2024 at 11:49 a.m.

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Unlike the NPA, another far-left movement, they do not support the New Popular Front. Following the dissolution of the National Assembly, candidates from Workers’ struggle will be present in the legislative elections on Sunday June 30 and July 7, 2024 in each of the 10 constituencies of Haute-Garonne.

Facing the “servants of the bourgeoisie”

“Macron gives us the floor again, well let’s take it to highlight our concerns as workers! ”, chants Claude Cauchoisone of the representatives of the Trotskyist party in Haute-Garonne.

“The purchasing power which is plummeting with soaring prices, the fortunes which are accumulating on one side and poverty on the other, the third world war towards which we are being pushed: we must defend our demands and our interests , and refuse to march in wars decided by the staffs of the bourgeoisie.”

All the politicians who will run are only servants of this bourgeoisie, those who have already been tried, like those who want to come to power like Le Pen and Bardella.

Claude CauchoisWorkers’ struggle

For Lutte Ouvrière, always at war against “capitalist society”, there is no doubt: “The only source of hope is on the side of the workers, the only ones capable, thanks to their collective strength, of overthrow this system which leads us to catastrophe.”

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Who are the Lutte Ouvrière candidates in Haute-Garonne?

  • 1st constituency: Olivier Le Penven, worker on an aeronautical assembly line. Substitute: Jean-Pierre Sertillange, teacher.
  • 2nd constituency: Clotilde Barthélémy, air traffic controller. Substitute: Pierre Bienvenu, teacher.
  • 3rd constituency: Malena Adrada, school teacher. Alternate: Olivier Grimoux, measurement technician.
  • 4th constituency: Patrick Marcireau, postal worker financial center. Alternate: Robert Roig, retired aeronautical technician.
  • 5th constituency: Michel Laserge, Electronics Technician. Alternate: Vincent Combes, aeronautical logistics agent.
  • 6th constituency: Michèle Puel, aeronautical technician. Alternate: Nelly Malaty, electronic operator.
  • 7th constituency: Hervé Bergnes, Analyst Programmer. Substitute: Stéphane Casanovas, trainer.
  • 8th constituency: Martine Guiraud, laboratory technician. Alternate: Marie-Hélène Bonnet, retired medical radio operator.
  • 9th constituency: Henri Martin, teacher. Substitute: Pascal Derrez, reprograph worker.
  • 10th constituency: Lucile Souche, school teacher. Substitute: Georges Abellan, chemical industry worker.

A public meeting before the 1st round

Also note that these Lutte Ouvrière candidates from Haute-Garonne will hold a public meeting a few days before the 1st round of the Legislative Elections. This will be held on Wednesday June 26 at 7 p.m., Salle Osète, Espace Duranti, 6 rue du lieutenant-colonel Pélissier in Toulouse.

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