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French Baccalaureate: course of tests, program and advice for success

The French baccalaureate is the first major baccalaureate exam for all high school students. These are the first anticipated high school baccalaureate exams for first year students. This exam, with a total coefficient of 10, is divided into two distinct parts: a written test and an oral test, each counting for half of the final mark. This evaluation is therefore important not only for obtaining the baccalaureate, but also for your post-baccalaureate registration files, in particular via Parcoursup.

A brief history of the French baccalaureate and its evolution

The French baccalaureate as we know it today is part of a long history dating back to the creation of the baccalaureate itself, under Napoleon Bonaparte in 1808. Originally, the baccalaureate was a university exam aimed at testing students’ knowledge in various disciplines, but it was during the 19th century that French language and literature began to take center stage in this examination.

Over the decades, the French baccalaureate has therefore evolved to reflect changes in national education and societal priorities. Initially focusing on rhetoric and mastery of speech, it was gradually expanded to include a more in-depth analysis of French literature and an examination of candidates’ ability to express complex ideas in writing and speaking.

In the 20th century, with successive educational reforms, the French baccalaureate was integrated into the anticipated baccalaureate exams. This reform aimed to lighten the load on students in final year.

Today, the French baccalaureate is considered essential, an important step in the training of future committed and professional citizens, attesting to their ability to think critically and communicate effectively.

Program and texts to study for the French baccalaureate

For the year 2022-2023, the program included 20 texts spread over different subjects of study. From 2023-2024, this number has been reduced to 16 texts from different works in the program for the general high school sector, following the directives of the Ministry of National Education. Students in the technological pathway study a minimum of twelve texts.

These texts are part of the 4 main themes:

  • Poetry from the 19th century to the 21st century
  • The novel and the story from the Middle Ages to the 21st century
  • The literature of ideas from the 16th century to the 18th century
  • Theater from the 17th century to the 21st century

In French high schools, preparation for the French baccalaureate is meticulously structured. Emphasis is placed on an in-depth understanding of literary texts, with teaching focused on the analysis of various literary genres, the study of language and the practice of written and oral expression.

As a general premiere, the approach is often more theoretical, with a detailed analysis of literary movements, authors and their works, as well as intensive preparation for dissertations and text commentary. On the other hand, in technological firstalthough the literary approach remains rigorous, it can be more contextualized with more concrete applications or linked to the technological fields studied.

In both cases, teachers organize regular reading, discussion and textual analysis sessions to develop students’ critical skills. Mock exams and practice exercises are frequently offered to familiarize students with the exam format and perfect their writing techniques. For oral, simulations are organized to allow students to practice presenting and analyzing texts in front of an audience.

Preparation for the French baccalaureate in high schools is thus a clever mix of theoretical studies, intensive practice and methodologies adapted to the specificities of each sector.

Annals of the French baccalaureate:

2024 topics:

How to properly prepare for the French baccalaureate?

Preparing for the French baccalaureate requires a methodical approach and regular involvement from the student throughout the school year. It begins with a close and analytical reading of the literary works on the program, focusing not only on their overall understanding, but also on the detailed analysis of themes, characters and writing styles.

Taking structured notes, writing review sheets and actively participating in class discussions is essential to deepen your understanding. Concerning the written test, regular practice of the dissertation and text commentary is essential, ideally under the supervision of a teacher to receive constructive feedback.

As for speaking, it is recommended to practice the spoken analysis of texts, working on fluidity, clarity of expression and the ability to structure one’s ideas. Group revision sessions can also be beneficial, allowing for an exchange of ideas and collective preparation.

Finally, stress and time management is a significant aspect: you must learn to organize your revision time and approach the exam with confidence and serenity. Complete preparation for the French baccalaureate is therefore a combination of in-depth individual work, regular practice and constructive collegial exchanges, with the aim of mastering both the content and the form.

Calendar of French bac exams

Concerning the dates of the French baccalaureate, the written tests are traditionally held in mid-June. The oral tests, the dates of which vary according to the establishments and academies, generally take place in the period immediately following the written examination. The invitations received by the students specify the day, time and place of the oral examination, which can be held in the student’s high school or in another establishment of the academy.

In 2024 the written test will take place:

  • Friday June 14, 2024: French baccalaureate written tests from 8 hours to 12 hours – 4 hours
  • From Monday June 24 to July 5, 2024: oral exams for the French baccalaureate – 20 minutes – invitation to come to specify your appointment

For high school students from abroad, the tests take place at the end of May and the beginning of June for North America and for Africa, Europe and the Middle East. This year the event for Asia will also take place this Friday June 14.

Procedure and structure of the French Bac exams

The French baccalaureate written test, lasting 4 hours, offers general students the choice between an essay and a text commentary. The essay is based on a text studied in class, while the commentary concerns an unknown text, but relating to a theme covered during the year.

The evaluation criteria for the French dissertation encompass several essential aspects. First, mastery of language and expression is expected in order to structure ideas coherently. Then, the ability to read, analyze and interpret literary texts is also a prerequisite, moreover, it is important that the student mobilizes a literary culture, built not only from the lessons received in class, but also enriched by his personal readings. Finally, the ability to construct a solid reflection, based on different texts and integrating varied points of view, is also essential.

The commentary test in French is characterized by the analysis of a text which has not been discussed in class, but which nevertheless comes from one of the four major themes studied: the literature of ideas, poetry, the novel or the theater. This task requires formulating a relevant problem, followed by a structured and detailed presentation offering both an interpretation and a personal opinion on the chosen text.

For candidates from the technology sector, the test includes a composed commentary or a contraction of text followed by an essay.

In the first section of the assessment dedicated to literary commentary, it is imperative here to provide a detailed and well-structured analysis. This analysis must highlight the salient aspects as well as personal interpretations of a literary text not previously studied in class, an approach similar to that required as part of the General Baccalaureate. Emphasis is placed on the ability to discern and articulate the main ideas, themes, style, and scope of the text, while integrating relevant and original personal reflection.

For the second part of the test, split into two parts, the first part therefore consists of the contraction of a text. This task requires condensing the main argument of a given text by reducing its initial length by 75%. It is required here to maintain the essence of the statement, the central thesis, the overall structure and the rhythm of the original text. The second component of this part is writing an essay. This writing must establish clear and argued links between the text in question and the works or themes studied during the academic year. This involves a deep understanding of the texts being studied, as well as an ability to draw intelligent and meaningful parallels with the text under study.

The oral exam consists of a thirty-minute preparation followed by a twenty-minute test, divided into a text analysis and a presentation of a chosen work, taken from the corpus studied during the year. The French baccalaureate oral test aims to assess students’ ability to analyze and express themselves.

Publication of French baccalaureate results

How to find out your French baccalaureate grades? The French baccalaureate results are generally available in July, just after the baccalaureate results for Terminale students. High school students can consult them online on the website of the Ministry of National Education or on that of their academy, using the identifiers provided by their school.

The other marks from the anticipated tests are also communicated at the same time.

French Baccalaureate: what next?

Passing the French baccalaureate is only a first step towards the general or techno baccalaureate, it is absolutely not an end in itself. After this exam, high school students approach their final year of high school with a more refined understanding of the French language and reinforced literary skills, essential assets for all baccalaureate courses. The French baccalaureate therefore plays a significant role in Parcoursup files and influences admissions to certain post-baccalaureate courses such as universities, preparatory classes for grandes écoles or even BTS and BUT.

Furthermore, the mastery of analysis, synthesis and expression skills acquired during this apprenticeship is valuable in all disciplines and on the job market. Ultimately, the French baccalaureate is not simply an exam; it is a key step in the personal and intellectual development of students, giving them the tools necessary to succeed in their higher education and in their future professional lives.


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