DayFR Euro

Crisis among the Republicans: reactions in Dordogne after the exclusion of Éric Ciotti

The members of the Les Républicains party suffered two shocks, the dissolution of the National Assembly, like all French people this Sunday, and a second this Tuesday, after having heard and seen their president, announce on TF1, that he was in favor of an agreement with the National Rally.

In Dordogne, the party reacted a few hours later through its president Basile Fanier with a short press release to assure its independence and the desire of the LR of Dordogne to present four candidates “in Dordogne, no agreement will be made on either side”. The party leadership in Dordogne is working to “identification of candidates”and at the same time manages the effects, here in Dordogne, of the crisis at national level.

“An excellent decision” for Laurent Mossion

Republican “executives” excluded Éric Ciotti from the party this Wednesdayi. They denounce treachery. In Dordogne, Laurent Mossion, LR departmental councilor of Périgueux expected this exclusion: “It’s an excellent decision which will have the merit of clarifying the positions of all, those who remain with the Republicans as this strong base of activists and elected officials who share these values ​​and independence”.

Laurent Mossion considers that Eric Ciotti’s declaration “was a personal commitment, he had no mandate to negotiate with the extreme right. He had put himself offside.”

A crisis to rebuild the party for Elisabeth Marty

For the LR mayor of Saint-Astier, Elisabeth Marty, “the Republicans lost (in the European elections) and we have been lost for several years already”. This crisis within the Republicans should make it possible to completely relaunch it. “He delivered the final blow, now we need to come together around the table to reinvent a party that speaks to the French and what they expect.”

The mayor of Saint-Astier is not surprised by the positioning of Éric Ciotti and the other LR elected officials in France who accepted the alliance with the National Rally: “We have seen that some people try to save themselves by leaving right and left since Emmanuel Macron became president.”


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