What is Restaurant F, a French gourmet restaurant in Paris 16th, worth?

What is Restaurant F, a French gourmet restaurant in Paris 16th, worth?
What is Restaurant F, a French gourmet restaurant in Paris 16th, worth?

FOOD REVIEW – The chic neighborhood dares a new high-end restaurant, entrusted to the Castilian chef Francisco Merino.

And if, for once, we started this address by alerting all those who should not risk it: the Michelin-allergic, the ashamed haughty, the entire fan club of “Top Chef”, the last-minute foodies and those half-punks, half-snobs who wonder very stupidly if it is appropriate to “go back” even though they never really intended to settle down there.

This table already far from these false buttocks of the fork which, certainly, will return the favor. Because this one surely a little too cold but not chilly to claim the idea as the desire of the gastronomic restaurant in its neighborhoods (full 16e), its soft lights which make us whisper, its thick cotton tablecloths cushioning each of our gestures, its hypersensitive ceramic plates, its words surely too bombastic to say the recipes and this chef who came from the great houses as one comes from the great schools.

Read alsoAt the Casetta restaurant in Neuilly-sur-Seine, the illusion of a weekend in Deauville

He, however, is not far from being amazing at putting a hat on his head! Yes, yes, one of those hats so…

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