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NÎMES A show that brings together the mayors of Gard in a friendly atmosphere

At the exhibition center, local stakeholders, elected officials and professionals from the public and private sectors gathered. In order to discover new innovative solutions.

This Thursday took place the Salon des Communes et des Intercommunalités du Gard, at the Nîmes exhibition center. This event brought together many political actors from Gard, among them Philippe Ribot, president of the AMF30 (Association of Mayors of France), Julien Plantier, first deputy to the city of Nîmes, and Franck Proust, president of Nîmes Métropole. In turn, they delivered a speech focusing mainly on the current political situation but also many thanks to the mayors. Just before Philippe Ribot closed this opening speech, Françoise Laurent-Perrigot, president of the Gard department, wanted to greet all the mayors and elected officials who work for Gard, the Republic and especially France.

Franck Proust delivering his speech • Baptiste Petit

Julien Plantier during his intervention • Baptiste Petit

President of the Gard department • Baptiste Petit

The feelings of the mayors on site

Eddy Valadier, mayor of Saint-Gilles and departmental councilor of Gard, gave us his opinion on this fair: “The association of mayors of Gard organizes an annual fair, once in Nîmes and once in Alès. This allows us to meet our parliamentarians and talk about subjects that may concern us.” We therefore note the political interest of this show which allows access to moments of exchange for mayors, but also a relational side: “In the second part of the day, there are stands of companies or public services which can offer us certain solutions for our municipalities,” explains Eddy Valadier.

A second mayor gave us his feelings about this event, François Granier, mayor of the town of Montmirat: “I often come to the show, it allows me to meet my colleagues and businesses in a moment of exchange. The AMF gives us also helps on a daily basis in our complicated tasks as elected officials.”

Many companies and communities brought together

More than 200 stands occupied by professionals from the public and private sector animated the show throughout the day. Different types of regional or even national companies such as EDF, Crédit Mutuel, SPIE, and Hectare were present.

EDF stand • Baptiste Petit

Crédit Mutuel stand • Baptiste Petit

The Occitanie Region stand • Noémie Meger

The day ended with an awards ceremony during the 7th edition of the Victoires de l’Investissement Local. In total, seven prizes were awarded by Philippe Ribot, president of the Association of Mayors of Gard, and Christophe Ruas, president of the Gard delegation of the Occitanie Public Works Federation. The winners were evaluated according to three criteria: aesthetics and quality of life, innovation and technology, and sustainable development. Three municipalities with less than 2,000 inhabitants and three municipalities with more than 2,000 inhabitants received a prize. For the seventh prize, it was the small town of Sauveur-et-Camprieu which received the jury prize for the rehabilitation and reinforcement of the Pont du Bonheur.

The mayor of Saint Sauveur Camprieu • Noémie Meger


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