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Sale of lost packages: the phenomenon arrives in Laval on Sunday


Domfront Editorial

Published on

June 7, 2024 at 4:03 p.m.

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It’s a bit of a lottery! For a few euros, it’s a very nice surprise or a little cold shower. The sale of lost packages is on the rise and the phenomenon is arriving in Mayenne, in Laval this Sunday June 9, 2024.

From 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Victor-Hugo room in Saint-Berthevin, 2000 kg of lost goods from all over Europe will be on sale.

“Recently, a customer found a solar panel motor, another some tools,” explains Giani Stahl, clearance agent who is organizing this sale.

For €3 per 100 grams, you can try your luck, you can touch the package, the only condition is that you are prohibited from opening them beforehand.

Then it’s chance, a valuable commodity or low prices.

All over France, this type of sale is growing. The reason ? The anti-waste law, which came into force in 2022, prohibits logistics platforms from destroying these lost or unclaimed packages.

Sale of lost packages, Sunday June 9, Victor-Hugo Saint-Berthevin room

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