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four sites open in the department

“Reconnect with nature in a sensitive way during shows, exhibitions of works and other atypical and immersive experiences, day and night”: this is the promise of the Les Nuits des forêt festival. A national-scale festival that resonates throughout France, including in Burgundy-Franche-Comté where around twenty events are planned. This very general public event aims to take the population to meet those who take care of the forest, contribute to its maintenance and protection.

In the Jura, four meetings will be held this weekend.

First in Foncine-le-Haut, in the Paradis forest, stories, walks to discover the nightlife, listening, observations and games await the public, under the leadership of the hunters’ federation, the Foundation for the Preservation of Nature. nature, the commune and the department (June 7 and 8).

In the Château forest, in Montrond, it is the association for the preservation and restoration of the Tour d’Otton which will take the curious to the remains of a medieval castle. To honor the memory of a beech tree which must be felled for safety reasons, the highlight of this event will be an animation of a sculpture made with a chainsaw (June 15).

In Andelot-Morval, the Petite Montagne artist collective will offer a sensitive, poetic and artistic approach to the forest by involving 12 artists. The public will be able to enjoy a narrated walk, sound and visual installations, an impromptu dance, and a reading of landscapes. In particular (from June 7 to 9).

Finally in Arbois, in the municipal forest, students from the Arbois primary school will combine their young talents with those of the artists from the Gazouillis des Éléphants company as part of a show entitled A world that is falling apart (June 10 to 12).

All the information on the site: nuitsdesforê


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