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A new delegate president for the 72 notaries of Mayenne

Notary in Laval for fifteen years, Me Axel Brière was elected deputy president for Mayenne of the interdepartmental chamber of notaries of Maine-et-Loire, Mayenne and Sarthe, on May 28, 2024 at the Espace Mayenne in Laval. He succeeds Me Joëlle Ory.

As deputy president, you represent the 72 Mayenne notaries. What are your missions ?

My role is to welcome new notaries, follow mandatory training, inspections (the studies are subject to an annual check) and process client complaints. The chamber also ensures compliance with ethics.

You are starting a two-year term, what are your objectives?

My wish is to promote communication. Firstly external to the public to justify the very broad areas of expertise of notaries: family law (marriage, civil partnership, divorce), inheritance, donations, business law (company incorporation, leases). They are not only involved in the sale of real estate.

You also intend to act on the relationship between notaries and their clients, for what reason?

It sometimes happens that customers receive no response and find the delays too long. Often, this comes from a lack of communication because the notary did not explain. The objective is to have fewer complaints to the chamber, because, in addition, it mobilizes people to process them.


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