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the carbon monoxide trail “not worked on” by the authorities

Since Thursday, May 30, more than sixty students from Fère-Champenoise (Marne) have felt unwell while going to the canteen. According to initial investigations, gas “does not seem to be involved”. Research continues.

The mystery thickens. At this stage, “carbon monoxide is not the avenue that is being worked on”, after the poisoning of more than sixty students from a primary school in Fère-Champenoise, indicated Henri Prévost, the prefect de la Marne, this Tuesday, June 4, speaking of “other avenues without being able to comment today”.

“Analyzes are underway to clarify the cause of these symptoms, he added. The investigations are carried out using a rolling laboratory. This is a vehicle which allows samples to be taken air and analyze its toxicity.

“We are gradually eliminating”

“We are looking for chemical or natural pollutants,” detailed the prefect of Marne, specifying that no cause is excluded. “We are gradually eliminating.”

The first investigations carried out this Tuesday morning yielded nothing. “No element was detected in the premises. We continue to search knowing that we do not yet have the cause. I remain cautious because it is still work in progress,” recalls the State representative .

Since Thursday, May 30, more than 60 students from Fère-Champenoise (Marne) have felt unwell while going to the canteen. During the last three days of school, students and adults felt unwell in the same place: on the way to the canteen. The primary school, nursery school and canteen were closed on Friday until further notice.

“No confinement of the population”

At this stage, no further action has been taken. “No confinement of the population. We made detections in the air,” the state representative notably cited. On Monday, 11 children were hospitalized. “A majority came out,” announced the prefect of Marne.

Gérard Gorisse, mayor of Fère-Champenoise, announced on BFMTV that a research unit from Moselle was expected during the day this Tuesday to carry out “many more investigations in the town”.

Around ten firefighters specializing in natural and technological risks are also mobilized to continue their research work in order to identify the cause of the symptoms. These investigations are carried out outside and inside the school premises.

Boris Kharlamoff with Charlotte Lesage

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