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What are Swisscom insurances worth? A critical look at the operator’s “Sure” offers

Published on June 4, 2024 at 05:15.

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What are the insurance policies offered by Swisscom worth? Are there only advantages, as the operator claims, or should we be wary of certain gray areas? On April 24, the operator resolutely entered the insurance market, with a new brand, “Sure”, presented as an “on/off” offer: easy to subscribe, modify and cancel. Six weeks after this announcement, it is time to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this travel insurance, covering civil liability or even rental guarantee. For all these offers, Swisscom collaborates with specialists in these fields.

Generally speaking, the French-speaking Consumer Federation (FRC) is reserved, “notably because this activity contributes to the agglomeration of important data, including sensitive data, in the hands of the operator. The way in which this data will be processed is not clear to us,” said Malika Pessard, lawyer at the FRC. She continues: “We also wonder about the amount of the bonuses, which is not shown anywhere. For Swisscom customers, is “Sure” insurance more advantageous than products directly offered by partner companies?

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